Today was a super super super happy day! (:
Went to Singapore poly with princess mingming and Addy. Was suppppppper boring at first, but like what I said in the previous entry, I wanted to see cute drooly guys, but I was promptly disappointed. I can safely say that 90% of them don't meet the ''cute and handsome'' mark. :(
But of course, I did meet some not-so-handsome-but-still-handsome guys there. Haha. I purposely wanted to move 2 seats down the auditorium so that I'll get to sit beside him/them. Seriously, they are the best looking ones in the entire auditorium. Haha. Princess mingming was like, asking everyone for their names. Haha. I think some got freaked out. Haha. But I still remember the name of the 2 shuai ge sitting beside me. Jun Hao and Richard. Yes. But too bad, coz they're so friggin dao. So I sat with them for around an hour and was daydreaming about them when they stood up and ALAS. They're so friggin short. Much shorter than me. Losers. So they got striked out from my list immediately.
Then we got this long boring talk by this boring person, which acted as a lullaby, coz everyone in my sight fell asleep. I think even the organizer guy was also damn bored with her that she interrupted her by saying that we should go for our bunch now. Haha. I thanked him silently for that. Huiming said that I have the strict CEO face during the talk coz I looked at though I was paying close attention to whatever she was saying, but was actually stonning out and thinking of some other stuff. Haha.
Yes, and soon, we got separated into groups. I was separated from princess mingming and addy coz all 3 of us were in different groups. AWWWWWW. So I got into this group, which I really found very cute and very nice to be in!!!
Firstly, all the handsome guys, including that Junhao I mentioned earlier, was in my group!! YAY! which left no handsome guys at all for Addy and Huiming. HAHAHA.
Secondly, all the people in my group are very nice!!!! They're like, super friendly to me! Especially the guys. They let me have my way all the time. And they talk alot to me too! That's nice of them right?
Thirdly, my trainer was fun!! I forgotten his name though. HAHA (: Here are some photos I took today. Sorry i know its very little coz blogger only allowed this max size of photos. :(
Everyone walking from one end of the campus to the other to the various stations

Took photo with him! (: His name is Wen Hao. He's very nice! I feel so mean for slamming the door on his face the previous time he came to my house to advertise something. Haha (:

Do they look alike? Seriously he doesn't really look like yongpin in this photo. But he really has the yongpin aura in real person!!! Huiming and Addy also says so. Even when he smiles, he has those wrinkly eyes that is REALLY LIKE YONGPIN!!!

Of course, this wasn't the only reason why I'm like, so high and enthu and happy and whatever. The reason was, I finally talked to Junqiang. Spent around 30mins on the phone with him today. Ya. Was boasting to him about Wenhao and his alikeness to yongpin. Haha. And was very high and gibbering to him about whatever happened in Singapore poly today. Haha. He was like, so innocently stupid! haha. A part sort of went like this.
Me: *jabbers non-stop about whatever happened*
Junqiang: You very high today ah?
Me: *sounded surprised* eh? HOW YOU KNOW?!
Junqiang: Coz you've been talking non-stop, and I haven't said anything. I was wondering why you tell me for since i'm not involved. But since you so enthu so i pei you talk lor. Haha.
Me: Oops. Aiyah but since you so kind, I shall let you listen to more! HAHA.
Junqiang: Don't want. later i cry.
Me: Nevermind one lah. I talk while you cry.
Junqiang: Dont want. Like that I will cry even more.
Me: It's okay, like I said, I'll continue talking when you cry. I won't let you interrupt me.
Junqiang: =(
Me: =)
Haha. Poor guy. Lol. I DON'T CARE. Haha. Ok lah, i'm really very tired today coz I reached home like, 2hrs ago? Yea. Shall upload more photos and stuff when I'm free, and not so tired. Wahhh. Tomorrow still have to wake up at 7!!!! Damn. :(