I'm so pissed with myself
A levels is in like, 281 days away. and guess what? I haven't really started studying. in fact, i haven't studied seriously since like, sec 4 after olevels. in fact, i didn't study at all last year lah. even during lectures and tutorials, i also never pay attention at all. it was only this year that i actually seriously pay attention during lecture and tutorials. but due to this, i've seriously fallen behind in my jc1 syllabus. and i think the subject that is most difficult to catch up with is bio. the rankings are like this:
easiest to hardest:
1) H2 maths
2) H2 chemistry
3) H2 biology
H2 biology.... ohmytian. whenever i hear people chant bio incarnations, i always feel damn stupid lah. they anyhow anyhow talk also correct one. den no matter how much i try to read and memorise also cannot make it one. WAHLAU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BIO TEST ON MONDAY. must go study. ARGH! i suck )):