okay now to blog about the entire happenings of this week. actually i'm not gonna write anything much other than for today. coz nothing interesting happened for the other days. mehz. i live a boring life.
MONDAY AND TUES (chinese new year)
please refer to
http://kim-x3.blogspot.com/2009/01/my-point-formed-chinese-new-year.html if you really die die must know what i did during chinese new year.
WED and THURS (MC day)
mc day means, i didn't go to school. plainly because i fell sick. and it was supposed to be a happy thing, so that i don't have to go to school. but it wasn't happy for me lor. i was looking at the freaking timetable and wahlau!!! i missed out alot. damn.
FRIDAY (The puking day)
i went to school relatively early this morning before i found leeping wearing jo's jacket and stuff, and somehow, she vomitted out her dinner this morning (ewww) and was kinda sick. so she went home after bio lecture. and JQ didn't come to school today coz he "got fever after puking out his chicken rice and aloe vera" (double ewwww).
and so during assembly, ms wong was like, ''eh you going to break record alrdy leh. sch just reopen 2 weeks only you alrdy MC 4 days. this year you gonna have 28 MCs liao.". and leeping told her about the puking thing and wanted early dismissal.
Leeping: ms wong, i think i need early dismissal today after bio lecture. coz i vommited earlier today... ya.
ms wong: oh dear okay..
me: oh ms wong. Junqiang not here today also coz he got fever after he puked his chicken rice and aloe vera. lol.
ms wong: eee.. *gives the disgusted face*
and before that leeping was telling us about the puking process.
leeping: you know this morning i puked into the sink? then my maid saw and she was like, ''......oh......''.
leo: she must be like, ''oh no! i have to clean that up?!''.
leeping: *sth in front i can't rmb* i vomitted out my entire dinner wholesale lor!! got chicken and veggies.
me: *imagines her puking out a nicely and freshly baked chicken thigh* what a waste.
leo + leeping: ?!?!
hahaha pointless.
and during bio lecture, we went through respiration and photosynthesis. and there was this KOH thing (potassium hydroxide), to absorb the carbon dioxide produced to measure the amount of oxygen absorbed. and mdm wong said something that made 11A agree till no ends.
mdm wong: in chemistry, KOH, actually, is very good one. help you to suck up all the carbon dioxide.
mdm wong: in econs, KOH, suck the life out of you.
LOL yes i agree.
and then it was break. and we went up to the bio lab to mug for bio test. BIO TEST. my god. save me.
and then chem lesson. as usual, we forgot teacher's name. Lol. sorry lah ms goh. but we, somehow, always like to call her mrs koh (and we're trying hard to change our habit). but i think she's a really nice chem teacher. as in, she's nice, rather helpful, plus she's quite a good teacher. my initial impression of her was that, she was gonna suck. but my impression of her changed almost immediately lah!! my chem got hope liao. :DDD
and after school we ate lunch together and zona rt abilgail went off for their ps at like, 2.20pm. and i had to wait in school until 3.10pm for my exco meeting. luckily got johnia pei me. THANKS GIRL! ;D and i found out that i'm one of the "ogl" for nma camp 2009. ohmytian.
and i stayed back in the library with faiszah and candice coz i got almost nothing to do. and then walked to the mrt station with candice (and gossiped about someone *tuopi*). and BLAH! smacked right onto bed when i went home. and i'm bored. and don't ask me to study plz. ):
get well soon Junqiang!get well soon Lee Ping!