Don't know why these few days i feel super super pissed off with Junqiang. It's like, he never do anything to me (in fact we just talked normally as per usual), and yet I got really pissed with him.
So I listed down a couple of reasons that makes me super pissed with him (no offence Junqiang, if you happen to be reading this portion. It's the truth.)
Oh yes, forgot to say that I told him most of the things listed here liao.
1) He's a coward
Seriously ok, not kidding. He doesn't stand up for his own actions, and worse still, denies it. When people confront him, he start avoiding. please? gossiping behind people's back is a damn cowardly action. Anything unhappy about a person/ an action? Tell it to the person straight! don't have to tell it to the third party, and let the third party tell the others. Seriously, grow up man. And telling lies to cover up the initial big lie is worse. and somemore the lies don't tally.
2) Act secretive
Ya seriously this one i super kan bu shun yan lor. everything also must secretive, i also don't know for what. what makes it sound more stupid is when I actually find out what the secret actually is, it's seriously DIAO~ one lor. is those type that isn't considered a secret, den also must make until like secret like that. And this point can be substantiated by many other people too okay.
3) Act superior / exclusive
That you can see for yourselves. as usual, this point can also be substantiated by others, who pointed this out to me.
Aiyah, can't rmb liao. I only remember it was a whole list to begin with. but i got distracted and i forgot everything. nevermind. i'll recall it one day.
But seriously, all these happened because of a stupid reason. It's coz I couldn't let him off my mind. And all this is thanks to
HIMSELF!! no one else!!!If it wasn't for the fact that he started off that huge nonsense on 14 November 2007, none of this would have happened!!!I was on the verge of forgetting him before that date. As in, if a meter from 0% to 100%, in which 0% means no more crush on him, and 100% means crazily in love with him, I was around 10% then.
and he started on that huge nonsense that made my 10% rise high up to 100%, or maybe even more than that.
Er.. Just a slight recap of what I received that night. EXACT WORDS:
JQ: 2moro is wad time meet? At where? and can I ask a favour frm u? B my gf leh... can?
Me: huh? did u send 2 e wrong person?
JQ: I send correct person wad. U kimberly rite? So 2moro is wad time meet? At where?
Me: uh huh... eh. i not sure. i haven't called christie yet... and... whats up with the second part?
JQ: Ok lah tell u the real thing. My parents were guessing whether u my gf or not as I spend a lot of time on the phone with u. Lol. Sorry if i had scared you.
OK! fine. given that he was joking on this occasion, which i assumed so since he mentioned something like that in his last sms to me that night. (He did send me crushing down though).
The next day, which was Christian's birthday... Oh mans. Many things happened that day, i wouldn't wanna mention it again. I shall just say that it was supposing the happiest day of my life.
And yes, that night, he called me again, and we chatted for i-don't-remember-how-long.. and before we ended the convo, something
STUPID happened again.
not exact words, but exact meaning.
JQ: eh. you still haven't answered my question to you yesterday yet leh..
Me: *acts blur* huh?
JQ: the one in the sms?
Me: oh.. *no way to escape liao*
JQ: so how? yes or no?
Me: umm... ah... orh... *ahem*okay*ahem*
ME: *shys*
YES! see?! see!!!! and the next day, we had to go to school for some PAE briefing. and after that we went yishun for burger king together with christian, zhenqin and samuel. at the yishun underground tunnel thingy linking northpoint and yishun mrt, something
STUPID happened again.not exact words, but exact meaning:
Me: Eh. wad made u ask me the question last night? *trying to hint to him for some confession*
Jq: I don't know..
Me: Where got dunno one? *eh pls la, confess la.*
Jq: I don't know. but you agree le hor!
Me: *keeps quiet and squiggle off to samuel while am chio-ing*.
and still got okay!!! i'm not done listing!!!
GRAD NIGHT: the happiest day of my life, but the worst night ever.
Just before grad night started, he denied he mentioned any of the above! AT ALL! LOSER LOSER LOSER!!!
and after that, i confronted him as to why he even told me such a huge lie.
he confessed, that he didn't know what to say, except deny that he even said this.
COWARD!!!!!And he even mentioned that before grad night, he THOUGHT i rejected him. and gave me a whole lots of excuses (you may refer to my posts in november. I think it is all stated in every post there).
Now you all know why I am still unable to forget him?
Thanks Junqiang for your venom.