Been quite a couple of days since I last blogged, coz I finally bought 我和僵尸有个约会 2. YAY. Finally! Haven't finished watching yet. Still on episode 27, if I'm not wrong. HAHA. Okay, maybe it's just for SLIGHTLY weirder people, a.k.a me. (:
Anyway, thanks/ no thanks to Junqiang. Was trying not to sms or call him 2days ago when he smsed me to ask whether I've got this song (记得爱). Okay, well, I do have that song. In fact I had it more than.... 6 months? Haha. And freak! His fault that I'm re-addicted to this song. I had hard time trying not to mention anything about this song for a super long time, AND HE HAD TO REMIND ME. Rawr. Serves him right that he's also addicted to this song now. HAHA. But really, I found the lyrics of this song quite meaningful. (:
阿沁: 天空不断下着无声的雪
阿沁: 而我只有思念 勉强能温暖黑夜
李玖哲: 拥抱离我已经千山万水
李玖哲: 每侗男人都有 说不出的心碎 Oh Yeah
阿沁: 我还爱着一个人 但愿
阿沁: 回到美好的从前 李玖哲: Oh Yeah
李玖哲: 也许痛的感觉 证明了爱的深浅
合唱: 不然为什么我还不撤退 Woo-Ho~
合唱: 记得爱 所有幸福的片段
李玖哲: 所以才一直忘记要离开
阿沁: 伸出手 继续勇敢付出我的爱
合唱: 原地不动的等待
合唱: 就算风把我的头发吹乱
李玖哲: 记得爱 是我给过的答案
阿沁: 就不再 考虑应该不应该
李玖哲: 一滴泪 落进无边无际的大海
合唱: 至少我们都活得没有遗憾
合唱: 我还爱着一个人 但愿
李玖哲: 回到美好的从前
阿沁: 也许痛的感觉 证明了爱的深浅
合唱: 不然为什么我还不撤退 Woo-Oh~
合唱: 记得爱 所有幸福的片段
李玖哲: 所以才一直忘记要离开
阿沁: 伸出手 继续勇敢付出我的爱
阿沁: 原地不动的等待 (李玖哲: 不动的等待)
阿沁: 就算风把我的头发吹乱
李玖哲: 记得爱 是我给过的答案
阿沁: 就不再 考虑应该不应该
李玖哲: 一滴泪
合唱: 落进无边无际的大海
合唱: 至少我们都 活得没有遗憾
合唱: 记得爱 所有幸福的片段
李玖哲: 所以才一直忘记要离开
阿沁: 伸出手 继续勇敢付出我的爱
合唱: 原地不动的等待
合唱: 就算风把我的头发吹乱
李玖哲: 记得爱 是我给过的答案
阿沁: 就不再 考虑应该不应该
李玖哲: 一滴泪
合唱: 落进无边无际的大海
合唱: 至少我们都 活得没有遗憾
Haha. Okay, the above is the song I've been gushing about. I think i embedded this song is the ''Music'' section in this blog too. It's really quite a nice song. Junqiang even mentioned about picturing him and Zhenqin singing this song together. Haha. Super hilarious. That would be the best. If only they could show me on my birthday. That would be the best gift that both of them could ever give me. However, that is just an impossible dream. Only Junqiang will be singing it. AWWWWWWWWW.
Junqiang already promised to delicate a song to me since prom night, since he wore....... NVM. Just know that he promised me that so that I won't get angry. He wanted to sing Yang Chen Ling's ''Qing Zhu''. But that song is like, SUPER ACT CUTE. I've never heard a more act cute song than that. EW. So I requested that he changed it to this song. Haha. Which he gladly agreed too. (:
Junqiang even mentioned that this song reminds him of ''someone'' too. But he refuses to mention who that ''someone'' is. I thought he meant Guanlin at first. But he told me it isn't. Maybe it's Zhenqin. HAHAHA! :P Don't worry Junqiang, I won't tell anyone that you're gay. (:

Anyway, I put the picture of myself and Guanlin on my handphone wallpaper, and was staring at it for a very long time. (refer to the attached picture). How stupid can I get? How can I possibly compete with her for **? She's obviously prettier, smart, smaller, cuter etc. than me. Obviously ** will fall for her. Only stupid people would choose me over her. I bet he's a smart one. Oh wait. I don't even need to bet. It's already the case. Okay smart guy, good choice. Too bad she hasn't accepted you. *i sound so sarcastic. But who cares.*
我想通了. Let's just remain as brothers. No wait. It's
SISTERS. I don't care. It's sisters. I admit that I haven't gotten over it yet, but fret not. I will. Soon. I hope. (: