The ABCs Of Kimberly Lim (:
A is for age: 15
B is for Booze of choice: Champagne!!
C is for Career: NON EXISTENT
D is for dog's name: -nil-
E is for essential items for a great party: Lipgloss, a pretty dress & kickass shoes
F is for favourite song of the moment: Glass: Kim Jung Hoon
G is for favourite game: Audition
H is for favourite holiday: CHRISTMAS!!!!
I is for instruments you play: Piano. how boring
J is for jam or jelly: Neither.
K is for kids: Not right now
L is for love of your life: HAR! i wouldnt tell u.
M is for manicures: Annual/ half-annual affair
N is for name of crush: HAR! i wouldnt tell u even if i had.
O is for overnight hospital stays: freak me out a hell lot
P is for phobias: the dark, all kinds of ghosts, small spaces, being abandoned, flying insects
Q is for quotes you like: sometimes i think you talk just to make noise
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: har. try to make me say it.
S is for sexual preference: Men only
T is for time you wake up: Nowadays? 12ish. Normally? 1hr before i have to be anywhere.
U is for underwear: i like them body-hugging
V is for vegetables: quite okay actually..
W is for weekend plans: none at the moment.
X for x-rays: once, when i had bad sore shoulder which lasted for couple of years
Y is for yummy food you make: HA!! ask anyone, i cant cook.
Z is for zodiac sign: Sagittarius