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Thursday, December 31, 2009
you know what. I've been watching Tyra banks show the whole day, about various topics like, black market plastic surgery (which obviously was a disaster), teenagers who can't wait to get married, and real vampires (Don, if you've ever heard of him), and many other topics but the topics were really interesting. like, you hardly see those stuff happening around you, don't you?
and i think the vampire one is really, weird. as in, there were a total of 3 vampires on Tyra banks show that day (it was Halloween's special btw), and this first vampire seemed a little.. weird. like, i hate to say this, but he looked fake. as in, he looked like he was trying to imitate the Count vampire.. and like he had this vampire fangs, and he said he filed it this way. file your tooth? oh dear.
well and apparently, the first vampire (fv), drinks blood! and there was like a total clip on how like people donate their blood for him to drink.
uh btw just in case you're wondering, well according to them, vampires are pretty, uh, humane creatures and they don't bite you on the neck to suck your blood. that's kinda hollywood drama. he sorta drinks blood off wine glasses as though it was damn good vintage wine of some sort.
and there was like this second vampire (sv), and apparently, she's pretty much modellish and chio, and she is a psychic vampire!
uh, just in case you're wondering, apparently, she can read the minds of ANYONE. goodness. that's so no privacy (although i very much wish to have this ability). like there was this guy, and tyra asked her to guess what's he thinking, and apparently, she got it right!! like omfg.
btw the guy was thinking to himself that her dress and hair's very nice.
okay no more spoilers. wanna know go watch on youtube yourself.
btw before i finish, I was in a really lousy mood just now and i totally went to bitch shit to johnia, and i was feeling a bit bad coz like, you know, you already got problems of your own then people still come pile you with their bitch problems.
but then she was sharing with me her own experience and for once (and only this once btw), i thought johnia was mad awesome! like omfg, i would never be able to do it la.
btw other than this time, she still suck. HAHAHAHA beeechhh /.\
Monday, December 28, 2009
lol a little something that happened today.
apparently i received a phone call asking me to go for interview, and the guy asked if i had a friend who was also looking for a job.
and so, i decided to call rt to ask if she wants the job as well.
but rt didn't wanna go coz she had another interview tomorrow ): and after i told her what my job was, she sounded a little interested. and it seemed like she knew quite a bit about my job scope!
and after a while, we realised something was amiss.
and it turned out that both of us were going for the same job interview at the same place!! haha! awesome!
so we ended up being future to-be colleagues.
the end.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Kimberly is going for flc amazing race as team leader all over SG on tues!! wish me luck!! :DD
I realised whenever I tell my friends i cut my hair or what, they will say that there isn't a difference. ):
just to show that there IS a difference..
earlier this year:
see my pony tail length? and sorry i dun have current photo. but it's about 3/5 of that of the length shown in the photo!!
" seeaaaaaaaaaa "
went with the harps for xmas exchange at sentosaaa ytd!!! ;DD
initially there was supposed to be me, Junqiang, Johnia, Ruoting, Mathew, Leeping, Abilgail and Zona.
but then, abilgail had to work, plus *ahem* mathew and leeping were sick (so were john and I). so it totally ended up at merely me, JQ, john, rt and zona meeting up. -_- (we totally only knew mathew and leeping weren't coming when we were already on our way btw).
actually i was rather cranky initially yesterday. like, imagine having fever (slight only actually) and flu and everything. but ohwells i didn't really bother and went anyway..
************************************************************************************** oh i just realised i should totally blog about the present buying process!!!
anyway, since there were guys (supposingly Jq and Mathew) and girls, we all had to buy unisexual presents! and Jq was -___- because if he knew mathew wasn't coming, he wouldn't have to buy unisexual presents since the person receiving his present HAS to be a girl.
and anyway, i only bought my present the day before we all had christmas exchange, although i knew all along what to get. :DD
and it was damn stupid.
on the morning that i got the present, i met rt at ssc daiso coz i wanted to find whether they sell suitable diamantes there, as well as to get a box to store my gift.
and i was sulking coz apparently, turned out that daiso sold boxes that were either too big or too small. and as any other ordinary human being, obviously i chose the bigger box.
and there came another problem: the big boxes were all madly hideous!!! what the shit is wrong with designers?! and i bet the person who designed it is like, 65years old or something. all the patterns all look like table cloth (an ugly one at that) lor! wts.
but thankfully, wonderful ruoting managed to find for me a decently coloured one (normal cardboard box colour. definitely better than table cloth colour)
p/s: at this point of time, i sneezed 4times in a row!!
so anyway after that, i went to buy the present for xmas exchange! but to my huge dismay, i realised something alarming. I DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR THE PRESENT!!!! and to make things worse, I WAS ONLY SHORT OF $2!! (technically speaking, it's only $1.40 short).
and i was so horrified!!! and i went all around causeway point in hope of finding a money changer (I had 20euros in my wallet, which is equivalent to $40!!!). and to my huge dismay (again), i found 2 money changers!!! but they were closed!!! (coz it was christmas!!)
and i thought to myself: wahlau... I thought ALL money changers are indian muslims... How come they celebrate christmas one... (or at least, that was my impression. don't bother correcting me about how 1 in 100 money changers are not indian muslims. i don't wanna know.)
and so, i sadly dragged my feet back home to get an extra 2bucks before going to get the gift again.
i'm such a nice friend right???????????????????? ;D
anyway, after i got the present, i happily went home and placed the present into the box.
and i was horrified.
i totally over estimated the size of the present!!! the present was only about 2/5 of the size of the box!! (shocks!!). and it would look really stupid if like, the person who receives my gift open the box to see 3/5 of the box empty!!!
and plus i bought small fur balls to be placed in the box (as deco), and i totally bought too little. -_- and it ended up looking awfully ridiculous.
and to fill up the remaining 3/5 of the empty box, i decided to *sniffles* sacrifice one packet of my beloved corn potage!!! <3<3<3
oh anyway my mum took an immediate liking for the present i bought.
mum: eh! make sure you get back your own present! then you can take home and give me!!
so anyway, we all met at Khatib's backside at 8.30am before going over to harbourfront for breakfast/lunch (coz johnia the pig was complaining that she's very hungry).
and we went on board the boat/whatever that floating thing is called for this bookfair that was on at that point of time. and johnia kindly suggested that we all take a photo of ourselves on the boat and pretend that we were all going on a cruise together and that we enjoyed ourselves tremendously -___-
and the prices were really interesting! like the prices were in units. like 100units is $4. very much like the currency conversion of thai baht to sing dollars.
so anyway after that, we all went to take the monorail to sentosa.
wahlau! the whole of singapore like very free like that lor. THE CROWD WAS DAMN HUGE!!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY!! as though they've never been to sentosa before! and the queue to get tix to get to sentosa was like omfgbbq. and so, being the not-so-normal singaporeans, we hated queuing up and we decided to see if there were other alternatives to get our butts into sentosa without having to queue.
and heh! we realized we could just tap our ez-link cards at the gantry. hah! awesome! so we didn't have to queue up *secretly scoffs at loser Singaporeans queuing up without realizing they could just tap their ez-link cards and get through*
and so, as expected, the queue to get into the monorail was super damn long!!!
and entertaining enough, there were 2 rows of people initially, and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a third queue appeared, and strangely enough, the ENTIRE 3rd queue consisted of INDIANS AND INDIANS ONLY!!! o.o!!!
not that i'm being racist whatsoever. but it was really strangely weird! like almost a separate queue for every race! o.o
so anyway, when the doors of the monorail opened, the whole entire crowd LITERALLY pushed and squeezed their way through!!! WTF?! the only other experience that could rival that feeling was, well, that fine day when we all queued at junction 8 for 4hours to get.. uh, free poster of BOF.
for more info about how retardly squeezy it was, please kindly refer to JQ's blog at at his FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2009 post.
p/s/s: no one else blogged about how squeezy it was except him.
so anyway, johnia was being a total boob coz she was afraid of heights (on the monorail??)
rt: then how you take mrt one?! johnia: mrt not so high wad!! me: *looks down* me: eh this one lower den mrt leh!!
i bet johnia would have hugged onto a pole or something on the monorail if she could. LOSER HO ;DDD
and when we went to the beach (finally), it was surprisingly NOT HOT AT ALL!!! i was secretly happy while JQ T.T-ed coz he can't suntan (coz got no sun! :D ).
so anyway, we all laid RT's poncho on the beach beside a coconut tree before me and rt (being the first 2 brave souls) went into the sea!!!
and the sea was super super cold!!! it took us super damn long to get used to the temperature! it was rather awesome actually!! hearts! (:
and i was being a chicken at first, trying to get used to the temperature by squatting in the water and JQ poked me with his finger and i plopped butt-first into the water -_-
and we started to sand + water fight stupidly (and we were totally dirty with sand). and everytime i got attacked with sand, i went into the water to "wash myself clean", without realising the water might be even dirtier (considering it's a sea. in singapore at that.).
and i accidentily swallowed water many times and the taste was *cringes*.
and after multiple water attacks by lousy JQ, me and RT decided to just attack JQ (one sided attack), while he just stood there, wiping the water off his precious face. and as usual, johnia was being a whiny pork the whole day and refused to get into the water coz the sand very coarse *whines*. HAHAHA whiny pork!
p/s/s/s: we did force loser ho into the water in the end anyway.
p/s/s/s/s: Zona didn't get into the water at all coz she didn't bring extra pants ):
and after a while, we all realised it was drizzling and we decided to take shelter at this... uh, pavillion. and it was after we washed up a little before we decided to do our exchanging of gifts!
p/s/s/s/s/s: the day before, johnia excitedly told me that she found a way to do christmas exchange! and she sent this to me to be printed out:
THE RIGHT FAMILY. Christmas was almost here, and Mother RIGHT was finishing the Christmas baking. Father RIGHT, Sue RIGHT, and Billy RIGHT returned from their last-minute Christmas errands. "There's not much LEFT to be done," said Father RIGHT as he came into the kitchen. "Did you leave the basket of food at church?" asked Mother RIGHT. "I LEFT it RIGHT where you told me to," said Father RIGHT. "I'm glad my shopping is done," said Billy RIGHT. "I don't have any money LEFT." The hall telephone rang, and Susan RIGHT LEFT to answer it. She rushed back and told the family "Aunt Tillie RIGHT LEFT a package for us RIGHT on Grandma RIGHT's porch. I'll go over there RIGHT now and get it." she said as she LEFT in a rush. Father RIGHT LEFT the kitchen and brought in the Christmas tree. By the time Susan RIGHT returned, Mother RIGHT, Father RIGHT, and Billy RIGHT had begun trimming the tree. The entire RIGHT family sang carols as they finished the decorating. Then they LEFT all the presents arranged under the tree and went to bed, hoping they had selected the RIGHT gifts for their family. Now I hope you have the RIGHT present for yourself, because that's all that's LEFT of our story..... Except to wish you a Merry Christmas....Isn't that RIGHT?
and so, we were seated in a circle, and everytime we hear a directional command word (aka left and right in this case), we'll just pass the gift we're holding on to in the respective direction. and the gift we're holding onto at the end of our story would be the gift we get! and we were seated in this way: *clockwise direction* me, Johnia, Ruoting, Junqiang, and Zona (and then back to me). and so, we happily passed our presents around for the first time! and guessed whose presents we all got?? . . *drumrolls* . . . . . . . . . . . . WE GOT BACK OUR OWN!!!! -_- and so, we decided to do a second round, this time, ignoring the 'left' command. and so, we FINALLY got different gifts. oh, btw halfway through passing: rt: uh, johnia... *touches johnia's gift*
rt: is your gift an umbrella?? us: *shocked* john: uh, dun tell you! and we were all totally trying to avoid johnia's present ROFLROFLROFL!
and anyway here're whose present we got! JQ got Johnia's present Johnia got RT's present RT got Zona's present Zona got MY present :DD I got JQ's present :DD
LOL! we were secretly laughing at jq for getting john's present anyway. :P and we opened up our presents one by one, with Jq as the first and Zona as the last. turned out that JQ really got an umbrella!! TOTALLY BLOOD RED ONE AT THAT. joke!!! :DD and RT got a feather pen plus.... uh... i.. kinda forgot.. uh... okay just wait till i go ask rt and she replies. and I got this xmas-ey snow ball? crystal ball? water ball? dunno what's the name of that and Johnia got RT's piggy wiggy johnia: eh the pig not cute one!!! the teddy bear he holding cuter! im gonna cut it off! rt: *HORRIFIED* and Zona got my gift!!! which was the mini version of duckles!!! plus my corn potage!! :DD and im actually quite bored already coz i've been blogging the whole day and im gonna do more important things, like, watch my online drama before i continue blogging (:
Friday, December 25, 2009
I've finally found a good point about getting married!! well.. the background story behind this post is because initially, i thought getting married (in 10++ years time la, not now, duh), would be bad! coz like, you have to face a man for like, at least 40 to 50 years, and i'm quite sure that most guys are quite gross and disgusting. and obviously, i do have my own definition of a 'perfect guy', which i bet, among 100 guys, only, uh, 1 is like that. anyway the type of guys which i MIGHT like is not the main topic here. the main topic is, if i get a husband (like i said, in 10++ years time), he can be my food taster/dish washer!!! awesome!! coz recently i've been searching all over the internet for recipes for different food, and i've been itching to try all of those recipes!! but then i was thinking to myself: huh, if i cook everything, does it mean i have to eat EVERYTHING myself too? and that also means that i've got an additonal chore, which is to clean up after that. which is definitely NOT FUN. and then i thought: hah!!! can let my friends eat!! (by friends i mean people like the harpers <3 ). but then i thought: eee... later taste horrible then they don't eat... den i would have to end up eating myself AGAIN. furthermore, that also means that i've got to wash the pots myself AGAIN, which is stupid. and hah! if i had a husband, then i can cook while he clean up after me, and then while i'm serving, he can go take a shower, and after that, i'm probably gonna be done with serving and everything, and then we can both eat together!! mad awesome! <3<3 unless, well, my beloved harpers decide that they wanna try my cooking against all odds *tears*. I TOTALLY DON'T MIND COOKING FOR THEM!!! (provided that they finish it all no matter how foul tasting it might possibly be. :P ) and anyway, i think tomorrow i'll be trying to make ondeh ondeh and yam paste!! mad awesome! uh, sorry if you're totally picturing like, me cooking veal or something. i'm only intending to make stuff that is... uh, dessertish, before i go onto other cuisines (my house no oven so no baking. got toaster though. can make my creative toasts!! :D ). and i've be taking photos of the making in progress. and if it's nice, i might bring some over for the harpers to try on saturday (during xmas exchange!). AWESOME! and i might, add weird stuff in. depending on how creative i feel tomorrow/later :DD AWESOME!! :DDD and i'm going with RT to ssc daiso later on to get diamantes to bling up my new diary which my dad got for me F.O.C. :D and then shop at Cotton On!!! went to orchard a couple of days ago and saw that there was a madly huge sale at cotton on!!! omfg!!!! I WANT!!!! MAD AWESOME!!! LOVES PLZ :DDDD oh! and i was watching this drama today. there was this quote: "A man is successful when he earns more than his wife spends. A woman is successful when she finds such a man" :D
Thursday, December 24, 2009
conveniently kopped from rt's blog
"All I want for Christmas is you...
*** Please don't get the wrong idea, kiddos!! I don't want, say, a Baley or aJohnia for the xmas gift exchange thing!!"
wahlau boh boh ji kena rejected ):
*backs out with johnia to the loser corner*
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
going out with RT now! excited! so long since i last went shopping aimlessly since Alevels ended (other den those shopping for prom stuff experiences):D
haha! happpy! i just put nail polish on my fingernails and toe nails!!! and no one can say it looks poisoned coz its not black!!! (it's blue black). mad awesome! i love the colour!!! think im gonna save money to repair my phone. after such a long time, i realised i've developed feelings for my samsung phone *awwwwww~~* and since i'm so free tomorrow, i've decided to go to the library to borrow books as well as get presents for xmas exchange with the harpiez on 26th!! ((: awesome (: although im still very much saving up (coz i sadly havent gotten my pay T.T), i've already seen so many stuff i wanted!!! even when i was shopping at popular, i realised there're 3 books that i really wanted!! but they're like, 17bucks each. which amounts to $51, which is infinitely more den what i can currently afford. whyyy am i sooo brokeeee!!!! and i went to Sasa and saw alot of nice stuff i wanted too!! but couldn't buy coz im utterly broke. goodness gracious. *at this point of time i was sniffing my freshly painted nails. smells nice!!!! don't have the typical chemical smell. awesome!! ((: it has the flowery scent! bought from sasa! buy 2 get 1 free!! ((: * and im lazy to blog. i want to go on shopping spree at forever21!!
have been blogging very little recently coz I've just opened a private blog to just talk about all my inner thoughts. but i think it's really not the time to make the blog public coz... it's really super sensitive and i literally poured all my feelings and thoughts into it. so anyway, i have no idea why but i really have nothing much to blog about anymore. probably coz my only form of entertainment currently is to, uh, watch videos online and chat with friends thru sms whatsoever. but anyway i was at orchard today. and i saw shopping at cotton on, Forever21 etc. I LOVE ALL THE CLOTHES THIS SEASON!!! I'M GONNA SAVE MONEY AND GET EVERYTHING!!! and i'm gonna bling up the diary my dad got for me (coz it's actually abit ugly), but definitely usable! heh! looking forward to receiving my pay!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
today i went to orchard for a job interview. and while i was walking along ngee ann city, this lady approached me. and apparently, she wanted me to help her with some survey, and being the usual awww-so-friendly-and-helpful person, i went along with her to her office at the 18th story anyway. turned out that her office is some nutritional office, and the moment i stepped in, i realised something wasn't right. WHY DO I SEE WEIGHING MACHINES EVERYWHERE?!?!?!?!?! T.T i hate the sight of weighing scales!!! so anyway i was already there, i knew i can't escape from my fate le. anyway i think their weighing scale damn high class leh! it looks like any other weighing scale, but turns out that it's super damn pro! like it manages to measure almost every single thing of my body!!! and i've only one thing to conclude: Kimberly is really one big ball of lard. let me explain to you my readings, and the ideal readings. Body fat for age below 30, male: 14% to 20% female: 17% to 24% me: 35.1% oh noez D: Total Body Water male: 50% to 65% female: 45% to 60% me: 47.5% finally something normal Visceral fat 1-5% : healthy 6-14% : not very healthy 15-59% : excess level of visceral fat me: 6% T.T im fat and unhealthy!!! Physique rating 1. Hidden obese 2. Obese 3. Solidly built 4. Under exercise 5. Standard 6. Standard muscular 7. Thin 8. Thin and muscular 9. Very muscular me: Solidly built wts!!! O.o Muscle mass no standard leh. me: 44.41kg Bone mass female: less than 50kg: 1.95kg 50 - 75kg: 2.40kg 75kg and above: 2.90kg male: less than 65kg: 2.66kg 65 - 95kg: 3.29kg 95kg and above: 3.69kg me: 3kg wahlau! my bone so big and heavy ah?! and the worse part of all... MY CURRENT AGE: 18 MY METABOLIC AGE: 34 WHAT THE HELLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.o
i want a lot of money. i want to put nail polish. i want to get a new laptop. i want to go on a spree at sasa. i want to buy a total new set of makeup. i want a new handbag. i want my handphone to be fixed. i want to get a well paying job. i want to be able to work and let time pass very fast so that i can be off soon. i want my room to be packed automatically. i want to do up my room. i wanna buy fluffy. i want to do manicure. i want to do pedicure. i want to do treatment for my hair. i want to go for ipl. i want alot of opi nail polishes. i want to go for dental whitening. i want a lot of new accessories. i want to buy alot of corn potage crackers at daiso. i want to have a shopping spree at daiso. i want to have shopping spree at cotton on. i want to buy a lot of clothes. i want to go out with harpers. i want to meet up with ppt. i want to live the life of a princess. i want to become thinner. i want ahbong.
Monday, December 21, 2009
I wanna go for an overseas holiday!!!!
*ah bong leans*
my 700th post
wah! i was looking at my homepage at blogger before realising that this post is actually my 700th post (i got so many things to say one meh?).
actually i've always felt that I've never ever grown up. but after reading my older blog posts (and laughing over how stupid i sound each time), i realised i've definitely grown up! (somehow or rather).
Anyway, now I'm already starting to work (all different part time jobs). like I've gotten the job as weekend promoter, and i'm teaching pri 4 and pri 5 science (haha funny). and that day while i was on my way to class, i was thinking to myself , ''my science so lousy! what if i teach them den they fail ah??"
luckily it didn't turn out that way... or at least, i think so lah.
and halfway through writing this, i went onto Xiaxue's blog and realised that she has actually wrote out her love story, like how she and her boyfriend fiance met, fell in love etcetcetc till now when she's finally gotten engaged.
and as mentioned in my earlier posts (and i've got a bunch of unfeeling friends to complement it), i cried every single time i watched the proposal video. literally lor!!!! and obviously i didn't laugh at her, ''I'M ENGAGED!!! *waves hand*" part. -___-
and after her last part where she was saying like, ''i used to think no one would ever love me coz i'm so crude etcetcetcetc.''. and i was thinking to myself, hey, isn't that all that I've been thinking of my whole life? WAH!!!! if thinking that way would get me such a bf/husband in 10years time!!! hahaha! :P
okay i know it sounds weird la. skully 10years later i still unattached for nth years and counting lor. omfggg.
actually i'm quite worried that I won't get married for the rest of my life and get laughed at when i reach 50 years old (like how my friends and i laugh at ********* ** for being so cranky coz she still not married yet after 10 thousand years). and i hope i don't get married at 40 years old to some old balding man with oily scalp (will get laughed at by students for going clubbing with husband at the age of 40, and only got married at that age too lol!)
ahem. so let's hope that I dont end up being a teacher like that if not i'll get poke fun at for the rest of my life by students like me! (haha!).
anyway speaking about jobs, I really can't help but scoff at promoter jobs.
anyway just in case you dunno, I've been a promoter at supermarkets (hanah hanah) for the past 2 weekends (except for last saturday where i asked ruoting to sub me at work coz I had to attend a wedding lunch at Marina Mandrin hotel).
and i've worked at carrefour and sheng siong.
and both places are SUPER DAMN DIFFERENT!!! REALLY!!!!
1. location
Sheng Siong punggol sheng siong is located in the middle of a bunch of hbd blocks, with only one coffee shop, one bakery, one clinic, and one salon.
Carrefour carrefour is located in the middle of suntec city with many shops, cafes, dvd shops etc. do i need to say more?
2. staff
Sheng Siong the staff in punggol sheng siong are super damn unfriendly!!!
me: uh hi may i know where's the store? idiot: DUNNO LAH DUNNO LAH! FIND URSELF LA! OR GO ASK THE PERSON IN RED LAH!!!
p/s: half of the people there were in red.
Carrefour the staff there super super friendly and nice lah!!!
and even if they don't know me, they were super damn polite!!!
me: hi may i know where is the store? friendly staff no.1 : im sorry i'm not very sure... me: oh it's okay ((:
and even the aunty there also very nice hor!!
me: hi may i know where's the store? nice aunty: oh! come come i bring you there!!
see!!! what the shit is wrong with sheng siong?!
and it's not just one or two staff who are friendly and nice btw, it's literally ALL!! even right up to the cleaner aunty lor. clean floor also so happy. unlike ss. *scoffs*
3. The supermarket itself
sheng siong
so small!!!! and the shelves super damn squeezy!!!! how to promote lor! stand there and promote den people tsk u coz you're blocking their way!!!
and the goods are placed so messily!!! wts lor. want to find my goods also difficult.
in fact i was totally promoting without a tray. coz they packed the store in such a way that me (and my company's driver) totally couldn't find it.
thankfully there's this stacker (guy, quite cute) working there who was helping me all the while ((:
but still!!! fk.
ALL the stuff are placed super orderly!!!! like even i was there for the first day only and i one look can tell what is placed where lor. tsk.
like, even their system is extremely orderly. when i reach, i know how to go to the security place to exchange pass, and go to the store to collect my table and goods. btw sheng siong don't even have a freaking store(room) *scoffs once again*.
4. Promoters
sheng siong
how come all the promoters in sheng siong all aunties (with me as an exception, duh!) one ah?! somemore ALL so unfriendly. don't even bother to talk to me or anything. shit you.
almost 50% of the promoters are my age or younger!!!! and all very fun to be around!! like i can have lunch with them, bitch with them about non-existant people etc. even the manager also damn cute and funny.
me: *pokes raisins* manager: eh!! i take 2 sticks of raisins ah??? me: orh take lor! manager: i wanna give one to my girlfriend la *winkswinks*
rofl. ohmanz. SS. pfft.
do i actually still need to say more? it's almost like heaven and earth!!! or should i say, heaven and hell! even customers in carrefour are more well mannered and everything. goodness gracious.
but of course, the best place to be at is doubtlessly, Friends learning centre (FLC)!!!!
although i've only worked there for one day, but the staff there were really really friendly!!! really!!!
like the moment i walked in... (i was a total stranger there)
minghao (the admin guy): HELLO!!! YOU'RE KIMBERLY RIGHT!!! me: oh ya. hi! (: minghao: HIHIHI!!! IM MINGHAO!! me: hello! xinyun: hello! you're kimberly ah!! im xinyun! i sms-ed you just now! me: yaya! i saw!! another girl at the counter: hello!!! i'm ***** (sorry i cnt rmb ur name!) minghao: ya haha! she's p6, next yr going sec 1!! me: really ah! hi!!
you get what i mean. like EVERYONE there super damn friendly. like as though everyone knew me for years!!! even the students!!! even though they only knew me for 5mins, they were totally damn friendly!! like as though i have taught them for like, forever! AWESOME (:
like even before i left, i was taking my bags, and there was another 2 tutors nua-ing somewhere at the back, and they saw me and one of them were like, ''hi, u going back already? my name is *****!". sorry i forgot your name too :/ haha!
madly awesome! which is why i refused to give up this job, and is willing to give up any other jobs (: besides, the pay is awesome :D
oh man. i wanna watch tv already. and i havent bathe the whole day. ending my 700th post!!! (:
Saturday, December 19, 2009
me: so what is the name of the process whereby plants make food?boy: chlorophyll!!! me: ._. girl: STOMATA!!! me: o.o boy: oxygen?? me: O.o girl: SUNLIGHT!!!!!!! me: o.O boy + girl: CARBON DIOXIDE!!!!!!! me: O.O!!!!!!!
now i know how mdm wong feels when we dunno how to answer her bio questions. speechless.
Friday, December 18, 2009
"never look down on teachers"
okay basically today is my first day being a teacher!!!
okay lah not really teacher. tuition teacher (of a P4 class in a tuition centre)
and im really damn damn nervous!!
and making notes aint as easy as it seems!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
"Bye my unfriendly friend"
sometimes it's just not meant to be. despite how much you want things to turn out your way it won't and never will
have been feeling pretty moody recently. like somehow, so many things have happened ever since the end of Alevels.
especially after you realised you've lost a friend. and it really sucks to know. like all the while you thought someone is your really close friend, he/she suddenly jolted you into knowing the truth, which is that you guys aren't good friends at all, and merely classmates.
but then i realised that being all upset is not gonna salvage the situation whatsoever, and so I'm just gonna totally forget about my non-existant friend and go on to cherish my harps girlfriends who are truely there ((: Loves ((:
anyway, I was watching Xiaxue's wedding proposal on and i found her boyfriend super damn sweet!!! if you haven't watched the video, go watch k. although unfeeling people like Johnia was laughing like mad after she watched the video while I cried each time I watched it.
also previously, i was also watching on where the 98.7FM deejays shan and rozz were having this interview with this birth coach. and apparently she was telling them that during like, child birth, everything is opened!!!
by everything, i mean, the mouth, the vulva, vagina and, well, the anus.
like wtf!
she also added on to say that during child birth, the woman might be like, puking, burping, farting, shitting and everything at the same time.
and i went onto tell loser ho, ''NO WAY AM I GONNA HAVE A KID EVER!!!!! YUCKS!!!!!!''
and after watching the Xiaxue's proposal video, i went on to say, ''WAH!!! if my boyfriend/husband like that, i would totally not mind puking burping farting shitting and everything over 10times lor!!!!!"
and loser ho's such a kkb. that day we were talking on msn about something obscene.
anyway, as I've mentioned 10,000 times before, I WANNA LOSE WEIGHT! and as i've also said, i gained approximately 20kg since secondary school till the official day where Alevels ended! and thankfully, I've lost 4kg ever since!!! :DDD
so people, DON'T GO TO A JC UNLESS YOU'RE ANEROXIC AND WANNA BE CURED K. almost like a permanent cure to anyone with weight problems.
uh, by weight problems, i mean people who are excessively underweight.
if you're massively overweight, den uh, maybe you should try not to go anywhere. anyone that leaves secondary education somehow just becomes fat. no idea why. :/
anyway, im quite nervous about having to start classes this friday. oh, if you guys don't know, I've accepted two tuition classes, one primary 4 science and one primary 5 science class.
and i was shocked! why not maths?!?!?! how to teach!?
then today i went with one of my ex classmate to Popular at Jurong to look at primary 4 science books. and i realised how totally different our syllabus is!!!!!
last time one science textbook is one whole book with everything. now it's separate books!! like 5 separate book, one book for one topic. SHOCKS RIGHT!!! and the content are like, omg! they learn leaf structure!!! isn't that what we learnt in sec 3 or sec 4 bio!? goodness gracious!
and i have no idea what's wrong with me recently, but I've been really addicted to herbal herbal stuff recently. goodness. and i used to hate the taste lor. like recently now whenever i walked past those chinese medical hall, i would totally look at the counter of those liang cha (cooling tea), when i used to absolutely abhore them in the past.
and today I bought this Allswell brand de Ginseng red date drink, and i totally finished it in ONE NIGHT (1 litre hor).
goodness. i better stop it.
anyway, i have no idea why, but i really miss Just Acia. like that day after kite flying with friends, we all went to Just Acia to eat. it was just a simple meal but I have no idea why but i really enjoyed it!
oh btw that day, the meal i ordered came with the japanese peas (i have no idea whats the name. forgot.). and that was the first time i was eating it.
you know how sweet peas usually come in a pod and u just eat the whole thing? yep! it looks almost like that. so as any other ordinary being, I ate the whole pod.
and i realised something: wahlau!!! so hard!!! why people wanna eat?!?!?! so damn fibre-y and everything lor. almost like chewing on a bamboo broom lah!
and then lp they all were like O.O!!!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO PEEL OPEN THE PODS AND ONLY EAT THE PEAS INSIDE!!!!!!
one of them were like, ''hor u die. when u shit that time u'll see the whole pod there''
and im actually quite bored already. so im gonna stop blogging.
and do something much more important like mugging watching online dramas :D
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
"end of one liners"
haha after having done one liner posts for the past few days coz i was really really busy (was working and shit like that), i decided to be nice and blog a.. well, decently long post. haha ;D Job(s)apparently Alevels officially ended less than 2 weeks ago, and I was (not literally) rotting at home, and I've been permanently broke ever since then, coz I've been going out everyday and depleting my almost non-existent funds. and fine day on the mrt: me: wah very sian leh~ loser ho: hanor!!! loser ho: and did you realise Alevels just ended 3 days ago? me: O.O OH YA HOR! how come feel like 2 weeks already ah.yes. that was how bored we actually were. Btw i vaguely remembered that day, we went to starbucks to sign up for job as part time barista (and they didn't bother to reply us ever since. #$#%@^$). and we were about to go to Daiso coz loser ho wanted to make dangoes (plural for dango) to pass time at home while i wanted to get my fantabulous corn potage crackers!!!!! speaking about the *smiles dreamily* corn potage crackers, wonderful ruoting managed to find the stick form of the corn potage crackers at NTUC <3<3<3> anyway i found a tuition job, and amazing Junqiang volunteered to help me with worksheets/tests for my classes (obviously he want a cut from my pay. eeyer lousy friend leh you. >< ) and anyway, last thursday when i was out with Leeping and Junqiang to collect our studio shot from grad night (it was free btw, and it had no editing which is why i look stupid), and I received a call from Promos Singapore, asking whether I wanna work on fri, sat and sun as a promoter at Carrefour. and i happily agreed! and since we were at suntec city that day, we decided to go down to carrefour and realised that there was a B&J ice cream counter, and i happily thought I might possibly be the promoter for that counter!!! and so that day I went down to the main office to see what's my job. and guess what?! I AM A PROMOTER FOR RAISINS LEH. wts!? LOUSY JOB!!! and like that's not bad and lousy enough, I got called aunty a million times over during my work T.T!!!! boy: hello can i have the raisin?me: orh okay me: *gives him the raisin*boy: *runs away a little before turning back to face me*boy: *extremely loudly* THANK YOU AUNTYYYYYY!!! *angelic looks*me: *twitch* n-o pro-blem........... *twitch*another incident another boy: can i have the raisin?me: okay (: me: *gives him the raisin*boy's father: *nudges him*boy's father: you never tell AUNTY thankyou!boy: Thank you auntyyyyy!!!!!!!me: T.Tyet another boy: can i have the raisin?me: sigh, okay.his father: boy, tell *glares*his father: uh, jiejie thankyouoh btw just in case you're wondering how my studio shot looks like, here it is! 
i think i look exceptionally like plastic. boo!
may i know what's wrong with blogger?! i type a freaking long post and many parts disappeared and i totally had to deleted a huge part of my posts. BOO!
Monday, December 14, 2009
I hate working!!! BOO!!!!!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
i wanna wear dresses and be a girly pig
promises to blog about prom night after my 3day work! loves! <3<3
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
"Pictures outburst"