omg i'm so fucking scared. a useless person sitting in front of the computer is hurting me so badly with his/her useless comments. awwwwww. IP changer? you think singtel or starhub won't have your records? think twice.
STUPID.bimbos? pretty? nothing to do with me. so shut up. useless fuckhead. and using a stupid name like fabian to cover up for yourself is a fucking dumb thing to you. you know why? whether it's your real name, or whether it's a name to cover up your more fucked up den fucktard identity, it's a bloody disgusting name to use. you sure you wanna look like him?! ohmanz. okay maybe you already look like him. that's why you're spending your entire life sitting in front of the computer waiting for me to graciously devote a post to you, so that you can tag on my tagboard expressing your disgust towards me. ohwells. you know what?
You disgust me too you filthy whore. (regardless of whether you're a male or a female).
Aiyah i go discuss the bbq thing first. later den blog. shoo you disgusting whore.