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Thursday, July 31, 2008
STRESSEDReceived Email from Mrs Karen Yap: Kimberly, as IBCS(TV) dy head, I want to expose you to both editing using iMovie as well as Adobe Premium Pro as well as filming technique. As this will mean you will have many things in hand. Hence, you will not need to host POP SUrP2aS, but you need to film it. Also, I am attaching you to FPU to direct them to edit our NLB talkshow video. At the same time, pick up the editing skills. Anyways, FINALLY, we had our Between the lines session at NLB yesterday!!! YAY!!! which means one major project finally finished!! and initally, my group, comprising of me, felicia, en noi and charles are supposed to do coverage for pop surpass. HOWEVER, sadly to say... HAIZ.. *refer to the part copied from Mrs yap's email*. so yes... D: Anyways, before i side track, YES. between the lines was finally over! and i was so glad i didn't have to talk much. THANK GOODNESS. Coz the students from anderson sec and commonwealth sec are actually quite vocal, and they really did talk alot!!! and my mum came to support also, and she took like, a video of the whole event lor. and i watched it when i went home. like omg it's so horrible! i look totally retarded lah. D: and now that my NLB project is finally over, i guess i now have more time for studying! mid course coming in approximately 8 weeks? so I really gotta plan my time well and study. (: saturday onwards. I shall mug. promise (: and school was rather funny today. at the beginning we had GP lecture by Mr kelvin sim, one of my favourite teachers in IJC. (: and they had this sms online facility for us to like, sms in the post questions and then we could see our messages on the internet. Anyways, mr sim was like saying, ''Don't send nonsensical things.. I heard from Mr billy tan that for the last lecture, someone wrote something like MR BILLY TAN VERY HOT. Don't send that okay. later i open then i jealous.''. LOL. and as expected, someone actually sent in, ''Mr Kelvin Sim is hot, but Mr Billy Tan is hotter.". I was like, LOL.... some people from Lt2 were like sending in, ''GAYS ARE HOT!!!". LoL. ok. i'm not anti-gay.. but ya.. Lol. it's damn funny still. (: and pw was slacking period, as usual. and i just realised how to use the remote control function on my computer and handphone. SO COOL!!! i can control my computer using my handphone lah. COOLNESS!! :D hahaha ok sorry if i sound sua ku. Lol. and after that was PE. as usual, I went off to run with Lee Ping and Leonard around the track. however, my stamina today was uber horrible with stitches, and of coz, also becoz of the ridiculously glaring sun. and while i was running with leonard, i got soooo pissed coz the bloody sun was like shining into my eyes, and i was friggin warm, and I said something like, ''WAH LAUZ... Next time i'm gonna ask someone super handsome to run with me, and hold a fan and umbrella for me while i run. Pfft.". and leo gave me like this face: o__O?! ya. Lol. it was literally that face. and leonard told me about his own stuff while we were running. well.. yea.. and break. and assembly. and lunch. pfft. Lol. apparently, our current chemistry lecturer have this super bad sore throat now, and Junqiang and Jinxiang decided to be sweet and wrote a Get Well Soon card to her, together with a pack of Strepsils. Lol. Sweet guys. :D and then chemistry prac period.. was.. okay lah. hahahaa. usual jokes from the guys in our class. and jinxiang pointed out one point during chemistry lessons, which is that all the science teachers are all biased: They like girls and keep suanning guys. LOL. which i realised to be true. ahahhaha. Mdm wong is always suanning the guys (and girls occasionally), but jinxiang, alvin and weijie always kena from cher one. Lol. ivin only kena suanned occasionally for his name. Junqiang never really kena suanned one lor. he always kena praised for his look and whatnot. Cheh. YA LAH JQ. i know your head is swelling now. and maths lecture was damn funny. apparently, i never pay ANY attention at all, and we were fooling around the whole time. Well... i thought i was the only one not paying attention, before i realised that 95% of the lecture hall arent paying attention too! hahahaha. and i was like writing Tian Shi (angel) on my paper, coz i was busy doodling and fooling around on my own. and then audrey was like, ''OH... it's tien shi in jap!! *writes tien shi on her paper*''. and then she was randomly doodling on her paper, and some hair like thingy came out, and she decided to draw in the face, like some random anime character of some sort using orange pen. and then she got a little engrossed in the drawing of the face that she accidentily drew out of shape, and it ended up looking like the character got double chin!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!! and we started laughing uncontrollably. and audrey decided to cover it up with her pencil case, if not we can totally forget about stopping our laughter. (in the middle of lecture somemore). and yes, we stopped laughing. and then the lecturer drew this plane for maths that looks like a television (in my opinion), and i became totally random and told Audrey about it. and she was like, ''AIYOH!''. and she started drawing a television. and I was like, "LOL! so random. hahahahaha.''. and then a sudden thought came to her, and she was like, ''eh kim look!''. and if u have forgotten, she wrote on her paper that angel is TIEN SHI in jap. and behind TIEN SHI, she added in one JI. which became TIEN SHI JI (Television). LOL. It was super random and hilarious lah. hahahahahahahahaha!!! and we started on a massive countdown between me, audrey, jo and ruoting. Lol. from 20minutes before lecture ended, ruoting already starting counting down. Lol. and when it was around 7minutes before lesson ended, we were all staring at the clock, waiting for the minute to pass. and we'll become abit siao and hysterical and go something like, ''YAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!! ONLY 6MINS LEFT!!!''. lol. and it went on all the way till lesson ended. hahahaha. and before lesson ended, leonard, alvin and boonping were talking to each other something about bras and flexing of their chest muscles (??????). Lol. and i dunno what they were saying, and then the 3 of them burst into EXTREME laughter. LOL! and since we were sitting directly behind them, we could see everything super clearly lor!! and boonping laughed so hard that he turned RED. LITERALLY!! not just his face lor. it's his entire head, ears, neck, back of the neck etc. We were like, "OMG!!!!!!!". LOL!!! FUNNY LAH THAT GUY! hahahaha. xiao ping ping, as what jinxiang says. and during PE on tues, Junqiang and leonard called boonping "Xiao ping ping~~~". and boonping did this gay hand gesture and went ''Hi~" in a super gay and zao xia tone. HAHAHAHAHA! oh and i forgot to mention this. during maths lecture, we all suddenly noted that alvin suddenly puffed a whole lot of air at Leeping. and we started laughing behind again and said alvin flirt, and alvin turned around, and wanted to blow at me too, when leonard, being super innocent, accidentily popped his head near, and alvin blew the whole gust of air into leonard's face, and from behind, we could see like leonard's hair fly~~ LOL!!!!! GAYNESS MANZ. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. FUNNEHZ! and after school, PAE people came over to IJC for gathering! but i didn't join them for long. merely went over to say hi and went off with Junqiang and Leeping. and we went to macs to eat. Junqiang kopped from us again, as usual. ok la ok la. lazy to post liao. shall post the NLB pictures soon! :D
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
oh freak. Tomorrow will be a super uber sucky and busy day for me: 1) Morning: Have to study bio for bio test at 12.40 (or to quote mdm wong, it's not a test.. it's a 40min series of questions which do not require books, aka, is not an open book test). 2) Have to do the civics thing and hand in to Mr. Jimmy Teo by tomorrow, 12.1opm. 3) Got the accursed bio test!! D: 4) NLB talkshow, Between the lines. oh damn it kill me. so friggin busy nowadays lah. great manz. just great. almost every single day kena taken up by NMA liao lor. AIYOHZZZ... D: nvm. after pop surpass den i'll be NMA-free! :D Civics.. ah heck lah. got things can liao. so bloody irritating manz. and we pwned joshe during civics. hahahhaa. ok having spiltting headache. shall not blog le. yawnz. blog tmr kaes? promise. (:
Monday, July 28, 2008
Things you say to your cousin when you know that she's been tattletaling on you for what you have written in your blog: HI.
ok apparently it's 12.52am now. not that i can't sleep. I super badly wanna sleep. but I can't sleep!!! why? coz got chemistry summative test tomorrow!! gotta mug!!! I need to pass it, like, super badly. if not the mdm ler will kan bu qi me. MUST PASS. I'm still at chemical energetics. havent even touched reaction kinetics yet lor. RARS!! I think i'm not gonna sleep tonight. burn all the midnight oil. hopefully i can pass... Can i??? PLS I WANNA PASS. okay i'm gonna continue mugging. ok i will. *crosses fingers* btw, i started mugging at 8.30pm. after almost 5hrs, i havent even finished energetics yet. oh my tian. i can go and die now. yawnz. D:
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I wanna mug! but can't find any motivation too. last time (or should i say, last year), i used to depend on Jq for motivation to study. I still havent forgotten why I even started mugging lor. *recaps on how i even started mugging* It was year 2007, Presbyterian High School's annual sports day at yio chu kang sports complex. JQ: Eh you know my brother started studying in MI already leh. Me: orhs okayz... JQ: ya. and i read some of his stuff le. quite interesting leh. makes me interested in studying. like quite fun leh. Me: WTF...... *thinks to myself: Wah piang, Jq start mugging liao. ltr i lose to him how? cannot cannot! must study le!!! CHIONG!* and yes, that day marked my first mugging day in my life. ike seriously, i never really studied throughout my entire life, till that day. okay, since that day was merely ther beginning, I remember i mugged bio on that day for 2hrs and 40mins. and i still remember that i used to mug for like, 4hrs daily at least. i still remember once when i mugged like, 13hrs straight okay!!! I practically mugged until the fei qin wang shi (forget to eat and shit and sleep) extent. xiong man. those were the times. especially for prelims. manz, i didn't even sleep for 4 days and 3 nights, and i was still totally energetic for exams lor. I wonder how i even made it lah. now i sleep for 8hrs per day also not good enuf for me lor. manz i'm such a pig. now even JQ chi ji me by doing homeworks or whatever in front of me also no use liao. gasp. means i'm wu yao ke jiu (no medicine can cure) already. WAHZZZ!!! cannot lah! must promote lehs... MUST MUST!!! oh me gosh. hosting talkshow at woodlands regional library on wed. so tmr must borrow tie and blazer with felicia and ennoi... after school must immediately chiong to woodlands library somemore to check out the location and sound facilities + rehersal with kam hung, charles, felicia and ennoi. WAHZ. D: oh me gosh. i hope i don't die that day :/
YES!!! I finally got my new super chio laptop! no more old broken ACER ones. seriously the condition of my old laptop is pretty bad. slow, laggy.. and totally cracked up! like seriously, nothing can get worse lor. ok things COULD get worse, but not with my new chio laptop. It's Sony Vaio. apparently, they had no other colours other than the pink one. *the pink doesn't look that bad lah. it looks chio actually. I was torn between white and pink initially. and so, i decided to ask Junqiang for his opinion on which colour I should get. and that NB guy said, ''Choose something of your own gender... U shud noe le rite? White lah...". stupid idiot. ask me to choose white coz pink too girly for me liao. wah lauz. I pian pian choose pink leh. blind him with the pinkyness. MUAHAHAHA. ok la no lah. the pink looks pretty too. peachypink :D I think I'm going crazy. I'm starting to love weird colours, e.g., white, pink, silver.. oh my tian!!! I used to love like... black? ok nvm. girly bitches. :S Next target: A new camera!! super chio one. like, pink or white or some similar sort. okay. chem test tomorrow, and apparently i've not done anything about it. GG!!! ok i'll mug later... LATER!!! oh manz. i'm procrastinating. D:
Saturday, July 26, 2008
She died... today... :'( She suffered alot before she died... Actually I knew she couldn't make it.. few days ago she just couldn't walk or even respond to me anymore.. but miraculously, after I came home from school, she woke up again.. but this time, it's for real... last night, she was so limp and was unable to open her eyes anymore. she was still alive then. but she was already panting extremely hard.. as if grasping for her last breath.. and that went on for hours.. even when i put her onto my hand.. she was already very tiny.. and she curled up into a ball.. I tried feeding her, she couldn't eat anymore. I tried feeding her water, she couldn't drink as well.. i just dripped a few drops of water near her mouth, hopefully she could drink some water. this morning when i woke up, she is no longer here... She's my first pet hamster. Good bye, and I love you forever :'(
Thursday, July 24, 2008
ahaha apparently i just realised how friggin long my blog post yesterday was. Lol. ok la, quite a pain to read actually if it's really so friggin long. lol. so i decided not to read it, and jump onto the next post, which is actually this one. Lol. after having a nice chat with someone, i realised that my blog actually got people read one lor. like, omg? even people who i do not expect. not that i don't welcome you la. just... abit curious as to how these people manage to miraculously link to my blog. O.o woahz. since got people read liao den must careful with what I say liao ah. if not abit er paisae one leh.. all my private stuff which has become not-so-private after all. hahaha. anyways not very private also since the whole world knows about them.. I think..??? aiyah should be lah. nvm. OK NO LONGER PRIVATE. IT'S PUBLIC. YES I GOT CRUSH YA? and who's my crush? DON'T TELL YOU!!! >< ps: It's not the one most of you guys are thinking. :] must sell coffin (卖关子) for awhile. if not no fun ler :] hahahahaha. ok bohliao. anyways, WAH LAUZ. today don't know what happened to me lor. I keep shooting rubbish from my mouth can? as in, literally okay!!!! i don't know what i'm talking about lor. i keep linking things that i'm not supposed to link together can!!! like today in the morning. coz i received sms from junqiang asking me to bring my laptop to school, and so i did. then in the morning i was telling him to take for me whole day, coz i'm lazy. at the same time, i was thinking about the random theft incidents in school not very long ago when someone's laptop and wallet and hp got stolen by some random person, and so i linked like, both incidents together unknowingly in an extremely stupid way, that totally changes my meaning lor. so i was like telling JQ, ''eh ltr help me take hor... since my laptop so old and ugly and broken liao i don't think anyone would wanna steal it also..''. and apparently Jq took offence to that lor. seriously i didn't mean it that way lah.. but well, the short arguement only lasted for around few seconds lah. and not only that lor. i also linked things i shouldn't with Jo!!! we were changing out of our Pe attire after pe in the toilet. and jo, as usual, didn't go into the cubicle to change coz she was trying to find a new method to change without zao genging. and it just so happened that i was talking to her at that point of time when i was thinking of something else. and guess what stupid thing i said?! I just suddenly blurt out, ''oh manz.. u're making me tempted..''. and apparently it didn't sound right at that point of time, especially at the point that jo was trying very hard to change. and she immediately grew hysterical and was like, ''EH GIRL AH! I'm A.T.T.A.C.H.E.D!! like, to A GUY.''. I'm like, omgomgomgogmogmg! i keep saying stupid things at the wrong time!!! apparently i made many many such mistakes today. like a gazillion times and i have a feeling i offended like the whole world today coz i was super quarrelsome lurhz. like i almost quarrelled with JQ many many many times today lah. den after school i was asking JQ whether i was weird today. and he was like, ''YA. VERY.''. wah lauz. okay can't blame me. i do have times in a month when i do get extremely cranky. and why don't other girls seem like this? maybe coz they can control their hormones better den i can. thats it. i'm sleeping. YAWN.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
ok. EXCO results are out. yeps, i'm in New Media Arts EXCO. I got the position as Deputy Head of Innova Broadcasting Station (TV). haha I just realised that iBCS stood for Innova Broadcasting station. :] Anyways, I got cca for like, 3 days every week lor. Tues (6pm to 8pm) : Leadership EXCO training Wed (3pm to 5pm) : Normal CCA time Fri (3.40pm to 6pm) : DeeJay training by DJ Chris Ho. but apparently, I didn't like the friday trainings coz I feel that it's the most boring time there can ever be. wells, luckily this friday I'm on ushering duty from 5pm to 9pm for the parent teacher meeting thing. so i get to skip cca on official business!! :DD but coming to think about it... 4hrs of ushering duty in exchange for one hour of skipping cca? worth it? aiyah like i've got a choice. all CG chairperson all have to go for the ushering thing. i think i die lor. My mum going to meet Mdm ler leh. siao liao. confirm kena complain like crazy. luckily i got do her tutorials + act like model student in front of her ah. to make up for my horribly horrendous results :/ and we got back our report slips yesterday. WAH LAU. results like shit. but the comments.... hmmm quote: Kimberly is a responsible Civics group representative. She is also a conscientious student who is always prepared for tutorials. However, she will need to work more on her examination techiniques in order to do well. O.o sounds so nice right? actually I think she means it another way lor. I think she was trying to find a nice way of saying that I'm stupid. always prepared for tutorials = do homework and hands it up on time. but then still fail like crazy. so i guess she probably means that I'm a loser. study so hard still fail. WAH LAUZ. D: ya lah ya lah. I got not enough credit points to promote lor. D: I only got 4points. I NEED 6 POINTS TO PROMOTE!!!!!! DDD: My results (ok i know it sucks): General paper: S Chinese: E Economics: E Chemistry: U Mathematics: U Biology: D YA! initially I was like thinking that I'm probably gonna fail bio, and do well for other subjects. so i was like, ''ok. i'm gonna work hard on chem and maths and then i can fail bio and still promote.''. but now you see!! I score the best for bio, although the grades still suck la, but better than nothing lor. D: nvm i'll work hard to pass all my summative tests!! I MUST PROMOTE!! Promos is in a few weeks time!! *andihaventstartedstudying* I MUST TALK ABOUT MY PW GROUP, IJ001!Anyways, yesterday during PW period, Mr. Hazrin gave us this peer appraisal thing and told us to rate our group members. I was so glad I have NICE pw group members who do not contribute at all to the project. We all contributed well!! :D WELL DONE IJ001 '08!!and there was also this part to the peer appraisal thing, which was the proposal part. and we were like, oops... coz apparently, we were all rushing out the written report outline, and i got entrusted with the proposal portion, and apparently, i did the proposal by myself (unknowingly within one night). and due to my group being super efficient, we unknowingly did out a written report draft, instead of the mere outline. WELL DONE IJ001 again!! :D so Mr. Hazrin said we're ahead of time as compared to other groups!! WOOHOO!!! :DD I'm so fortunate to have IJ001 as my project work group! and that's for real! I love IJ001! *nonetheless I still don't like PW. :] * and yes, the peer apprisal.. According to my group, they claim that I deserve all the credit and everything for this project, coz i contributed ''the most''. Actually i beg to differ. I think that Jo really deserves the credit instead of me. It's like, from the beginning, it was already her credit! This total idea of TeleEducation was from her! It was her PI! mine was some lame shit. ''Unleash the hidden love''. LOL. coming to think about it, mine sound uber stupid. hahaha. Ahem. anyways, yep, TeleEducation originated from her. She also did most of the research and the sourcings. and that includes finding her mum's school for us to conduct our pilot test in. Although I'm the group leader of IJ001, but I really have to admit that she really did contribute alot to TeleEducation. and she's always the one bringing her laptop all the time when we had PW, regardless of whether it's in school, or whether it's at woodlands library. Well done Jo! Ad astra!! *it's an inside thing. don't bother to ask what it means, that is, if you have no idea about it.* :DDDDDOf course, my other beloved group members such as Junqiang, Ruo Ting and Abilgail, they all did very well too!! Especially Abilgail. Despite living rather far away at... I don't know where, but should be somewhere near Seng kang, she is usually rather punctual for our PW meetings, which is usually held at Woodlands regional library almost every other saturday!! and her works usually come in the fastest. like when we did the written report outline, I divided the work to my members, and she was the first to finish and submit to me within a short time of like, 2hours? and after the others handed in the rest of the parts to me, it all ended up looking like an actual written report itself, other than just an ordinary outline! :D:D:D Well done abi! :D
of course, this includes Ruo Ting as well, who never fails to do weird stuff to interest us! hahaha. and abi and her are real efficient and resourceful! I still remember in order to do EoM, we had to search around for articles and things from different sources such as books, magazines and the internet. apparently, coz me and jo had our laptops that day, both of us took on the easiest job of having to search for info from the internet, while Ruo Ting and Abilgail had to go to the resource section of the library to search for BOOKS related to video conferencing so that we could do our EoM based on it. and i think they did a super good job! despite being entrusted with the most boring thing ever, they still managed to find 3 related books within an hour! and we got our sources all up soon enough!! and if you didn't know, it's really uber difficult to find the book that is related, coz you really have to search like crazy, needless to say, find the exact pages and portions that are useful for our project. need alot of patience and everything one lor. impatient people like me, of course, slowly search the internet for related articles, which is really damn easy to find. I wonder why i couldn't find anything of such sort in the past when we were still at our GPP stage. hmmmm.... AHEM. anyways, ya, well done Ruo Ting! Lavi loves you. Lol.And you would realise that I've not mentioned someone from my PW group , and that is none other than Su Junqiang! of course won't forget him lah! he's the CHEER ME UP of IJ001 leh! Can't do without such jokers around. and no, you didn't contribute any much lesser, even though you do not have a laptop, you still manage to do all your tasks promptly!! Although he's usually SUPER "punctual" for our PW meetings even though he lives nearest to woodlands library, but he always makes it up with his hard work! Really! *really?*. LOL of course really lah. hahaha. MY GROUP MEMBERZ R TEH BEST OKAY! :D but really, he did well, especially during the pilot test! he did a great job with the kids, and despite having problems, Junqiang still managed to come up with a second plan to get everyone proper, and leading to us still being able to collate and collect results even though the pilot test failed. and this really isn't easy okay! we were all going crazy that day coz we really couldn't carry out the pilot test anymore coz the stupid connection at the school sucks. but then! he still can last minute come up with plan B and get everything going. even got recording of him asking the students questions and everything lor! and Jo's mum even said that Junqiang makes a good teacher! which i totally agree! :D somemore after we got the survey replies, we were supposed to meet up the next day to collate everything and do everything up, but apparently, Junqiang has already collated everything for us! and the only thing we had to do was to put everything into a chart so that we can do our written report! super efficient boy! :D Well done Junqiang! :D
SEE! told you all my group is the best PW group anyone could ever have! At least, to me, that's the case. WELL DONE IJ001!!! hahahahaha. oh where did i start off with? OH YES. peer appraisal. and JQ said something retarded lor. Lol. JO: the credits is all to Kim lor. we really should treat her to a meal after it's all over. Me: no la. actually i think the credit belongs more to you. JQ: no lor, *serious face*. actually it's really to kim. so she should treat all of us to a meal after it's all over. Me: -_- siao ah! lol. ya. yesterday was uber lame in school. fun as well! :D during lunch, I sat with Junqiang, Ruo Ting, Jo, Abi (yay with my pw group), and Lee ping to eat. and then we were eating, and something really caught my attention. it was this 2 guys sitting beside our table. and their convo really caught my attention. that guy was saying something like, ''you know, you must really be cautious of girls. do you know that many girls fell for me only because of my looks? like, pfft!''. and i looked over and got a nasty shock of my life. DAMN THAT GUY WAS FRIGGIN HIDEOUS MAN. like DAMN UGLY. and he was so bu yao lian and saying that MANY girls fell for him for his looks. EEYER!! which girl so blind ah? i never knew got girls blind until like that lor. either that or the guy is just plain deluded. like seriously! he's damn hideous (of coz can't be compared to fabian lah. who can get worse anyway?). and i continued listening on, and their convo became more and more explicit lor. like wth? there was even this part where the guy was like saying, ''You know, i don't like girls who are too skinny. you know why? coz later their breasts concaved in one lor.''. and i was promptly disgusted. like seriously disgusted lor. MANZ. and that guy also went something like, ''you know what they call girls wearing mini skirts? Man's greatest seduction.''. I so badly wanted to walk over and 'accidentily' trip against the legs of his chair and 'accidentally' smacking my sauce filled plate into his face. like damn. maybe he'll look better after i did that lor. in fact, i was so tempted to throw my chicken into his face coz i was already relatively disgusted, before I decided to hold back that temptation coz that would be a waste of food, plus I was rather hungry coz i didn't have recess. so yep, and i was telling everyone on my table about how disgusted i was about those two guys. and apparently, i wasn't the only one who paid attention to them lor. Ruo Ting also did, and she overheard the part that they were talking disgusting things about runny nose. see? disgusting people can even find disgusting things to say about runny noses. manz. and when we went back to class, I was excitedly telling Johnia and Zona about it, and then we ended off with something like, ''the point is not what they said. the point is that THEY'RE FUGLY!!!''. oh manz. they ought to die. and JQ was like, ''actually is not what they say funny lor. is the way you imitate them make it look funny de.''. and then when i turned around, i was like O.o the whole group of girls were changing to PE attire in class *of coz got special method so that they don't zao geng lah*. and yenshan got stuck :/ and johnia attempted to teach me ho to change that way, and apparently, she got stuck too. lol. and we went over to the toilet to change, and yay, i managed to change that way, despite looking ridiculously stupid doing so coz got cubicle. lol.... and then after that it was PE! apparently we had free period before pe, and so we went over to the grandstand and started doing stupid things there. and jo kicked leonard's ass. hahahahaha. ahem, ya. johnia and zona were like trying to jump up and see if they could touch the railings/pole/metal thing on the top, and apparently I could barely touch it. i merely knocked it a little. Jq was like, ''plz lor, kimberly can one lor. she quite tall..''. and he also jumped up, and being the tall bastard (ok la joking, is tall shuai ge) he was, he grabbed onto the railing/pole/metal thing and hung there for awhile with just one hand. and I was like, ''omg!!!!!!!!!!!11111''. he literally electrocuted me!!! *shys*. and everyone was like, ''woah JQ shuai ah.''. and i was like, *shy*... LOL. however, JQ revealed the hand which is held the pole/railing/metal thing with. OMG.. IT'S TOTALLY BLACK LAH. Eeyer!! super uber dirty lor. and we asked JQ to go wash his hand. and he didn't lor. he merely rubbed it away with the other hand. dirty boy. and after that we played the split- scissors paper stone thing *yes we're Jc students. we have no life.*. I played with Junqiang, and apparently i lost coz Junqiang is really super pro at splitting!! like seriously!! i stretch like crazy den i can reach him. and then he anyhow slide and slide until he almost split liao. piang, how to win him? so obviously i lost. *ok i'm just coming up with excuses coz i really can't win him*. and so, we decided to play the not-so-stretchy way: slapping the hands if you lose instead. and wah lau, he hit bloody hard lor. he hit a few times only den my hand swollen liao. and my veins all popped out coz it was so red and everything. *which shows how hard he hit coz if u're as fat as me, it's almost impossible for my veins to pop out.* :P and when PE started, Me, Junqiang, Lee Ping, Audrey and Leonard went over to the gym. and then something damn stupid happened again. LOL. Leonard: actually I think Kimberly lost muscle mass. Junqiang: Ya lor. i think it's coz she sick.. Me: Huh? how you know i lost muslce mass instead of fats huh? Junqiang: coz u look more flabby after you come back? Me: WAH LAU!!! HAHAHAHA. but i never lose weight wad... Junqiang: Maybe you got water retention? Me: huh... really ah.. Audrey: you really believe them ah? they're guys leh. Me: oh ya hor.. Junqiang: no lor. it's common knowledge lor. especially pregnant woman easily get water retention one. Me: HUH!!!!!!!!! don't scare me leh. I miss my period for one month liao leh.......... Junqiang + Leonard: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Audrey: eheheh. true that pregnant woman get water retention easily. but not ONLY pregnant woman what. Me: oh... Leonard: come on kim, you never do anything also. scared for what? Junqiang: Ya lor. Me: YA LOR YA LOR. I never do anything........................................ right? Junqiang: OMG DID YOU ALL HEAR WHAT KIMBERLY SAID!?!? *repeats whatever I said*. Me: LOL NO >< It was just a random thought. Leonard: omg who did you do it with? Me: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 *scurries off* Junqiang: Must be with that ****. the one name start with I one... the 4 letter one.. Me: LOL WTF NO. and throughout PE, leonard was like, ''EH Kimberly 小心动胎气''. and i was like WTF!!!!!!! then audrey, leeping leo and me went off to the tracks to run till our pedometer read 4ooo before we went back to the gym. and then after we gave back our pedometer, JQ and Leo were fiddling with the weight lifting equipment. and then JQ asked me to lie down on the equipment to see whether i could lift the weights. he removed almost all the weights for me until the thing was like only 10kg. and i couldn't lift it liao lor. omg i'm so weak. and i couldn't come out of the thing coz i lowered the weights abit too low. so JQ had to help me lift up the weights so i could slide out. LOL ok lah JQ hero la. LOL. and then after me, JQ went to lie there and lifted weights. den leo was like, ''eh kimberly your heart pumping very hard or not? JQ lying there leh! got temptation or not?''. I WAS LIKE, ''OMG LOL NO''. and there was this machine which sorta helps people *especially guys* to be able to do pull ups coz... ya, got assisted weights to help you do. initially i didn't wanna try coz i know I confirm can't do it one. and then bloody hell, Junqiang knows my weight!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! but ya la, i managed to do it coz he put the lever thing at like 68kg. LOL>< even when he put at 57kg i still can lor. hahahahaha. after that was EXCO leadership training at Media playlab. before that i was sitting at the canteen with JQ, leeping and Ruoting. and I was trying to act girly, but only succeeded in acting gay. Lol. den Jq was like, ''this is not the kimberly i know...''. and i attempted to use my original voice to speak, but somehow my voice suddenly zao xia and became totally coarse and manly coz i had sore throat. den JQ laughed and was like, ''hahahahaha that's the kimberly i know.''. .... bloody hell. I usually not so manly one lor. humph. and after exco training, Ruo Ting and I went to Gelare to eat coz it's TUESDAY! got 50% off waffles! and so, we ordered waffles. and i realised that i'm very kaypoh. there was this couple beside us, and they're like, gonna propose to each other liddat. I was like !!!!!!!!! and decided to sms JQ. Me: Ruo Ting and I at gelare eating. den got couple beside us proposing leh. Omg! o.o JQ: Lol... Then u propose to ruoting lah... Me: No need propose. I too feminine for her le. :P *wrt to the trying to act girly thing before that* JQ: Erm... Dotz... --" hehe lol. and we were uber full after we ate our waffles. ahahaha. and yes, i got sick promptly after that, which is why i didn't go school today. Was at home the whole day myself doing nothing, which ended up in this uber long post. I don't think i ever posted this long before also. anyways, i got so hungry coz i was all alone coz my dad was our with my mum, and I wanted to find something to eat. so apparently, my mum told me that there was chicken chop in the fridge and i go heat it up to eat while waiting for them to come home. and i was like, okay! i shall risk having my face burnt out coz i didn't really know how to use the kitchen apparatus coz i don't cook. and no, i didn't get my face burnt out. but i scalded my hand. D: and i swore never to touch the stove again. got this ugly burnt mark on my hand (near my thumb) now lor. i think that part of me is like 60% cooked now. good for people who likes meat medium rare. or like christian, who likes his beef almost 100% uncooked. :/ ok i'm exaggerating. it's just a small little burnt mark. but eh, is pain one lor. wah lauz. ok, mum and dad is back now. and i'm gonna watch tv soon! very long since i watched 5.30pm shows, since i'm always not at home during this times. I'm NOT going to miss it today!! :DDDD However, I MISS 0811A TODAY DEARLY. D: nvm, i'll get to see you lovely guys tomorrow :D
Sunday, July 20, 2008
 Ok, shall not blog about that creature beyond my vulgarities. wasting blog space by doing so. Anyways, we went to West View primary school for our PW pilot test on friday. IT WAS A DISASTER!!!!!!!!!! But nonetheless, it was fun! We bought bouquet of flowers for the teacher who was so nice and volunteered to help us in our pilot test. Thanks! :D Anyways, things didn't go as planned there. majorally because the school's internet connection sucks man!!! SLOW LIKE CRAZY! so... we couldn't carry out the pilot test, and had to use the second approach. apparently pri 5 kids are all..... hyper? and i didn't know primary 5 kids still gets uber tempted coz of lollipops.. lol......... And omg, go pri sch also can get rumours one sia.. it all happened coz of sth the little girl said: Little girl: EH PLEASE LOR!! my gorgor more handsome than this gorgor (refering to Junqiang). This gorgor (JQ) so ugly lor!! JQ: ya lor ya lor. i very ugly. Little girl: YA. my gorgor much more handsome than you lor. so ugly. Me: No lah, this gorgor very handsome one lah. Random little boy: HUH? you like him ah? and the whole class simultaneously went, ''HORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' and i was embarrassed beyond words. and when i turned around, Ruo ting they all were laughing at me la... omg so paisae... !!!!! and this bunch of kids are damn tiko. after the lesson was over, JQ was speaking to this small group of boys, and i could hear what they were saying lor! the little boy said something like, ''you know just now he saw the kimberly's panties.......... '' I was like, eh..... tiko boyz. LOLZ. . . and also JQ presenting flowers to the teacher! :D Jo Anna: Eh kim, don't get jealous coz JQ give the flowers one hor. Me: SIAO AH. that one is teacher leh. married one somemore. 
. . . abrupt end of entry. :D . . . JQ being super unglam sleeping in class.  At New media arts cafe. wanted to take a nice photo of the both of them. however, leonard decided to be unglam, and this was how the photo turned out looking like.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I just recovered a new vulgarity. Very soon, when we say WTF,It would not stand for What The Fuck. It would most probably mean What The Fabian. from, it states: Fabian *new!*: [noun] the most disgusting thing ever found on earth. [adj] to express disgust, e.g., OH MY GOD! THAT PIECE OF SHIT LOOK SO FABIANISHLY AND HIDOUSLY UGLY!!!! and from, it states: Fabian *new!*: [Synonyms] appalling, awful, bad, base, beastly, crabbed, cranky, dangerous, despicable, disagreeable, disfigured, disgusting, dowdy, foul, frightful, gloomy, grave, grisly, gross, grotesque, gruesome, hideous, homely, horrible, loathsome, misshapen, mutilated, nasty, offensive, ominous, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, servile, shocking, terrible, threatening, toady, troublesome, unappealing, unattractive, unbeauteous, uncomely, unesthetic, unpleasant, unsightly, vile, wretched . . . Coming to think of it, if i have to say WHAT THE FABIAN all the time, it would definitely irk me out. like ew, mentioning that name? omg. that's worse than saying the F word! a gazillion times worse, to be precise. EW? omgomgomg. Anyway, to those named fabian, other than that fucking idiot, sorry, but poor you, coz u have the same name as him. YES THAT'S YOU, YOU FUCKING IDIOT. FABIAN NG WEI CHONG. LOSER. Addy was smart to have rejected you a gazillion times over. LOSAH! Sorry adeline, if saying that fabian likes you is a huge insult. so sorry to insult you, but i really had to mention this in public. I'll apologise to you personally ok addy, i still love you. BUT STILL. fabian you suck. I realised that when you type ''fuck'' into the tagboard, it automatically becomes ****. I think very soon when you type ''fabian'' into the tagboard, it would prolly become ******. loser. oh yes, AND YOU FAILED TO BREAK OUR GROUP UP DESPITE COUNTLESS TRIES. LOSER. I STILL LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY GROUP MEMBER! JUNQIANG SAMUEL LEE ANNE ZHENQIN CHRISTIAN HUIMING I STILL LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. and WE KICKED YOU OUT. loser fabian decided to continue sticking onto JQ. hahahahahaha. LOSEERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! the only regret i have now is that we never bullied you enough. like plz, what we have done to you is chicken manz: -threw water bottle at wall till it broke -*stepped on bag repeatedly and throwing it out of class/throwing it into the rubbish bin -*throwing pencil case out of the window (luckily din kill anyone) -*crush all his pencils before mcq exam (those need shade oas type) -**slapped -**punched repeatedly -**kicked repeatedly (everywhere! which includes the balls) Those with * refer to those done repeatedly over a long period of time.. which is an almost daily basis kinda thing. Those with ** refer to those done repeatedly daily with different variations, mostly without all my strength. at most only 40% kind. coz i felt it would be damn disgusting to really touch him. I still remember once I whacked him and his sweat kena me, and the skin near my hand started peeling. like ew, how many donkey years hasn't he bathed? EW? Disgusting asshole. I hope Satan sticks a screwer up your ass.
Monday, July 14, 2008
ok i take back my words i hate mathz D:
just when i thought everything has gone wrong. I realised that everything has really gone wrong. I realised.. ... ... ... That... ... ... ... ... ... I... have... fallen... in... love... with... ... ... ... ... ... MATHS! O.o O.o O.o O.o yes. u didn't hear that wrongly. throughout my whole time struggling and thinking how to do econs and chemistry, I so badly wanted to do maths. oh man. mugging does make one go crazy. D:
Sunday, July 13, 2008
enough with that JQ ganza. getting very sian of it. how stupid of me to stoop to that level to purposely prove that -.- person right? cheh. anyways, had a hard time mugging. stupid manz. alot of homework lor. got econs and chem. and i got so obsessed with throwing everything back at -.- that i forgot to do homework. and now here i am, chionging econs now. and blogging at the same time. and my throat feels awfully bitter now.. RAWR. now tt i do not have a fever, my sore throat is killing me. not that it's painful. but it's just.. bitter.. can taste his awfully bitter shit lor. EEYER. D: I'm so going shopping when i can :D:D:D I MISS SHOPPING. and I MISS SAMUEL TOO D: although i just met him on friday for dinner. hahahaha. hey -.-, now u can talk about me being despo about samuel. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
Last pic for Cosfes 2008. coz i'm lazy to post the rest  . . . . . . OH SHIT! i forgot i'm supposed to be some extreme fan of JQ and post no other photos other den his!!!! DDDDDD: try harder next time, bitch.
YAYZ just to prove your point that I'm despo. SEE the series of photos below????? OH MY TIAN SCREECHES. IT'S JQ MANZ. like i give a damn.   
wah lau some people damn xia lan leh. This is my blog and I have the rights to post whatever I want.not for useless people for you to come in.erm, i'm refering to the -.- person in my tagssibeh bu yao lian leh. as though i invited you to come in and see. CHEHZ. and if you don't like to read my blog, just click on the red cross on your top left hand corner. it ain't difficult. and people like you should really fuck off. before shooting at people to get a life, maybe you should get a life by just fucking off from my blog. THANK YOU. cowards who dare not write your own name don't deserve to come in. I like JQ is my own problem. whether I really like him, hate him, or faking to like him ALSO my problem. and i definitely have more life than a cowardly person like you who dare not even write your own name. WHY? like you got no name ah? useless.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Jealousy reigns. ok gotta delete this entry before some bitch/bastard decides to come in to raid my tag board. sickening.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
oh yes. and before i go. ppl, i would like to announce that i officially fallen in love........ with......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HIM!!!!!!!!  see? my new bf very cute hor! eyes bigger den mine :D and somemore no mouth. SUPER KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111 SCREECHES! i wanna plant a thousand kisses on him :D jo says i'm obsessed with him. MUAHAHAHAZ. COZ I LOVE HIM . . . . . . Disclaimer: Er. I was kidding and was totally random :D
crap manz. school sucks these few days. cca also super stressful to be host of talkshow. Don't think host very easy to be okay! it's super difficult lor pls lor. don't underestimate those hosts you see on tv okay!! next week me, felicia and ennoi have to go borrow blazer and tie. den on actual day need to wear blazer, tie, court shoes and white long sleeve shirt lehz. so weird right? light brown skirt + indigo blue starry tie + white shirt + dark brown blazer + black shoes = no link!!! HAIYO. and er.. have to do econs tutorial liao. tmr got extra econs lesson after school!!! D: ok! must go do liao. blog next time when i got no more homework D: which i guess would not be as soon? but wells. shorter and shorter posts each time manz. and i still got a gazillion photos that i havent posted up!! RAWR. maybe on saturday or something. PS: leonard, i got alot of unglam photos of you in my phone. LOLZ. and yes, just to disturb someone, who requested me not to blog about him. HUMPH. I PIAN PIAN WANT TO BLOG ABOUT HIM LEHZ. . . . . HERE GOES!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiangJunqiang. . . . . . . Try beating this lor JQ. hahaha ask me not to blog about you? i pian pian want to leh!! :Dand the colour thing very cool right? every single colour avaliable for use on blogger leh! :D so nice right the effect? :D WOOHOO. :D
Monday, July 07, 2008
Yesterday went for Cosplay @ downtown east with Leeping, Junqiang and Ruoting, majorally to support Audrey, and also to look out for cute guys :D Don't say so much liao. PHOTOS :D US at burger king (eh. miracle that burger king for burger without onions lor. i was super happy.). and Junqiang kept offering me treats lor. ahem. he isn't that nice. quote from Junqiang: I want to treat Kimberly to the Burger king vegetarian burger: inside got nothing except onions. THANKS BUT NO THANKS AH JQ. *ps: I hate onions more than anything else*.  OH MY TIAN!! *SCREECHES* ok! That's it!!! I WANT HIM! I don't want JQ anymore!!!!!! :D:D:D *joking only lahz*  ok. Since they said that taking blur photos in front of the glass panels in mrt stations were the in-thing now. 3 retards with 3 blur cameras. MINE WAS THE BRIGHTEST OKAY!! :D 3 retards: Me, Ruoting and Junqiang :]  ok i just found this pic cool :D  eh. wrong sequence of events. but well. ER. anyways, this is DJ Chris Ho from the Lush station. apparently, i'm in this deejaying course and he's the.. er.. teacher. and yea. supposed to learn how to talk with diaphragm. and he wanted me to touch his.. er.. stomach?? so that i can know how it's like.. and ya. i freaked out, and everyone laughed at me *including cher*. and he was like, ''i'm not an alien. nothing will come out of my stomach!''. .___.   ok, back to cosfest. YES. it's a random pinky jap girl. oh wells.  hahahahahaha. I'm taller den inuyasha by one head + abit of neck. LOL. and i took the same bus as this inuyasha lor. Lee ping bluff me, she say got sesshoumaru. in the end don't have. D:  We even saw Yong shan cosplaying :D So me and Junqianf decided to take photo with her as well :D 
Thursday, July 03, 2008
din't go to school today. Yesterday during chinese lecture, my phone suddenly rang, and I decided to take the risk to answer the phone call. It was my mum. so since it was chinese lecture, i quickly told her i was having chinese lesson and quickly hung up. but back in my mind, i was totally worried. It's not like her to call me during lesson time. what happened??? so immediately after lesson ended, i quickly called her back to ask her why she was so anxious to look for me. Guess what she said?? . . . AH GIRL!!! you know today I go market hor, THEN NO MORE CRAB LE!!! D:...KUA KUA KUA!!!I was like, Lol.. you call me during chinese lesson coz got no crab liao?????? Anyways, it was coz i said i wanted crab for dinner the night before. and so, today my mum made it up to me by buying 2 seriously ferocious crabs for me. And they're still alive in the sink. and they will STARE at whoever who comes near them. I feel damn guilty sia. later still have to kill them before going to meet Junqiang, abilgail and ruoting for pw. D: I have the killer instinct. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. and my mum said that she'll just put them into the fridge and they'll just die. I suggested just cutting them into half so they won't have to suffer the freeze-to-death effects. however, my mum said that when you cut the crab into half, it'll still struggle even after it's halved. WTF. SO SICK!!! cut into half liao still alive. WAH LAU!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
HAHAHA. i didn't say it in the end. And I'm happy I didn't. Coz i'm happy the way things are now. And I'm starting to think that Junqiang abit gay. *no offence ah..* but seriously!!! getting very.. weird. LOLZ. ok nvm. spilting headache. shall go rest. tataz.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
OMG. damn nervous now. crap. I've decided to listen to them and go tell JQ, although i know what the answer will be. wells... WAH!!! called him just now. Daddy su picked up the phone. and Su boy boy came and say he nt free yet, and will msg me when he's free. wells.. seconds seems like hours now. will say how it goes later okay (:
omg. today is the stupid anniversary. WTF. This morning the 3 Jos were urging me to reconfess to JQ or something, and i still havent. rawr.\ super duper paisae lor. and i dare not tell him la.. super embarrassing can!!! rawr. STUPID JQ. D: