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Sunday, March 23, 2008
UPDATES: this is with regards to the A grade and U grade thing for bio results stated 2 posts below. I guess I exaggerated lah.. hehe. Anyway, I confronted Jq the next morning....*exact words and spelling*Kim: You know bio results liao meh?Junqiang: Huh? Wad u mean?Kim: Samuel told me that you told him that for bio test, I got U and you got A... Curse me. Wth.Junqiang: I nv say test wad. I said graded assgnm. And i tot u got s?Kim: Samuel say you tell him one. He said you told him that other den bio get U, all my tests either get a or full marks. CHOY CHOY CHOY!! and I got S. Not U.Junqiang: And pls lah... U cfm get straight A's for all subjects one wad. U so mugger... Maybe dun say in e future, but for this bio test... Pls lah. I think he got the wrong idea. Aiya... so pro, no need care how ppl curse u.Kim: Siao. This bio test get A? hahahahahahaha. As if i would....Haha. so maybe i did exaggerate lah. Lol. Don't care. Jq deserved it. :P...and wl... Jq damn @%@$!#ing sickening lah. every sat night when watching 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 he surely come find something to 刺激 me one lor. sickening. ...*exact words*..Junqiang: Might as well spend time with my darling den think about such stupid things.Kimberly: Aren't you always spending time with your darling? You even kiap it's poor mouth between ur di lam. Your poor darling. *i meant his stuffed hippo*Junqiang: Nt tt one lah. But indeed i've been spending quite sm time with her. Maybe nt tt much...Kimberly: Who? Why never tell us de... :'(Junqiang:Anyway, Just dont think i shud waste time on a fren lyk HIM!Kimberly: Dun care about ZQ first. Tell me! Who's that girl? I know her?Junqiang: Care about zq more important!Kimberly: I thought you just said he's not impt? Quit talking about zq and tell me who's the girl! Must be from our school one right. That's why in sch never ever wanna sit with me in case she see.Junqiang: Its nt lyk she dun noe abt u? Anyway, zq more important! Really! to u lah.Kimberly: Who's she? tell me! Dun care about zq. Do i know her? From innova is it?Junqiang: so zq watching wo cai now?Kimberly: Who cares. tell me who's she... pls.....? :'( x3Junqiang: I care!Kimberly: Don't keep talking about him. Tell me who's she... :'(Junqiang: I wan to talk about now. I dun care. I wan!Kimberly: Tell me... Don't like that... :'(Junqiang: Really... I wan to tok abt zq now... I wan zq... ...ew...Kimberly: Eh... I'm serious lah... tell me....... :'(Junqiang: I'm serious abt him too...Kimberly: Stop dodging e topic and tell me lah...Junqiang: I'm not dodging e topic, i'm toking abt zq now...Kimberly: I'm not. Tell me..................*at the same time*ZQ: *tells me some stuff*Kim: ohhh... :'( x3 just kena ci ji from jq. So abit blur now... sorry.ZQ: U like always kena ci ji by jq on sat when u all watching wo cai lor. Nvm, u slowly read thru my message again den u can understand wad i say. Ya....Jq is so sickening right?!?! spoilt my whole mood to watch wo cai lah.. wth. what's he up to? trying to tell me he got gf of some sort and then 吊my胃口 by not telling me who she is in this kinda stupid way? and it's not the first time already lor. last saturday also same thing. SICKENING IDIOT. I thought of a couple of possibilities last night as I was trying to recover from the 刺激 from jq.1st possibility: He really got gf. (possibility: almost 0)2nd possibility: He was trying to test whether I like him from my reaction. (possibility: 45%)3rd possibility: He was just crapping (possibility: 10%)4th possibility: He found it fun to watch my reaction. (possibility: 10%)5th possibility: He ran out of topic to talk to me about. (possibility: 10%)6th possibility: He just wants the attention (possibility: 25%)Just to say: I felt that the possibility of him really having a girlfriend is extremely low till it's almost 0 because: 1) In school, I'm around him most of the time. So if he goes to find a girlfriend, I can't possibility not know about it.2) After school, we usually walk home together with his cousin all the way to the bus interchange where we take our bus separately. 3) During lessons, although we don't sit side by side, we still sit quite near each other, and he usually sits either with the guys or his cousin or ever changing girls.4) His weekends is usually with his grandparents.5) During breaks and lunches, he's always eating with me, zona and his cousin. So how can he possibly get a girlfriend when I'm with him almost the whole time?? except for the times when he's in the toilet. If not i'm usually around. Don't tell me his gf dun even need to see him or talk to him to maintain relationship at all meh? ok ok, some people may tell me things like, ''aiyah. on the phone leh? Maybe on the phone wad.''and yes...... I even tou kan his phone messages and calls... Most of the smses inside is either from me or his cousin or teachers or guys. Very few from other people. Or should I say, other girls. Don't care. i'm gonna saboh jq by telling his cousin about it. HUMPH. who ask you to tell me this kinda rubbish. anyway, i told zq about it this morning, and zq confirmed it. ..Kim: And i dunno wtf jq's up to. ytd he suddenly tell me tt he rather spend time with his darling den think about sth. den i tot he meant his hippo. den he said it's not, and tt he spend quite alot of time with her. Den when i keep asking who's she, he keep refusing to tell me by saying stupid things such as, ''i want to talk about zq...' and whatever. very irritating.Zq: He trying to spite u or smth? He very funny one lar. Don't care about him. + other stuff. won't say what. :P...ain't zq the nice guy? Awww... can always tell him things that's bugging me, and he'll usually tell me stuff to keep my mind off things. Girls, go after ZQ!!! haha. conclusion: came up with a list of suspecting girls that may be the darling of jq *according to time spent with him, since he mentioned that she does*:- Zona (possibility: almost 0)- His cousin (-_-'') (siao ah.)- some girl from 0823A (maybe. But seems not very credible also.)- His mum (-_-'') (siao even worse.)- Me (-_-'') (cheh.)- His baby cousin (-_-'') (siao liao...)- Some imaginary person (most probably true)Still got other girls meh!??!?! Chao turtle. CHEH............CHAO TURTLE.hahaha i'm so childish. :P