FINALLY back after a long while coz apparently, i forgot my password. hehe. ok. nth rly much these few days anyways. but argh. getting back chi olevels on mon. goshy... think i die manz.. everyone seems so confident tt i'll get A1 distinction. mienz. think i'll disappoint everyone, as usual. hahaz. nvm lahz. at least i no need to pay. but still sad if i dont get tt results.
anyways, had a fun time on national day eve in sch during concert. not exactly fun. just basically high for no good reason. hahaz. coz was watching campus superstar performance, though abit bored, but tried to be kinda high and wavy. and yay. went back with junqiang n huiming for the night.
yep. and the funnest day was national dayz. get to play girly with leeanne and huiming. WHEEZ. GURLY girlz. (: went shopping for dining stuff. yayz. bought the black dress. hm bought the same white one. wheez. but tt's probably for prom. black top and denim bottom for dining etiquette. YAYZ. same for teh 3 girlz. woot! (: fun time being critisized by a big friendly giant, and playing makeup n stuff with those 2. yay! fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun!!! WHEE~
today met up with junqiang n zhenqin to go my house ''study''. went to kfc for lunch first b4 going to my house to play more den study. lol. took abit candid photos today too. quite fun lahz. hahaz... lol
anyways, i miss beef lagsana at cafe cartel ^____________^