I've decided. i shall go wif huiming and the others to watch Deathnote 2. If not got no one to watch wif me le. If got ppl pei me watch den i dun go wif them bahh.. but it's probably i go wif huiming they all de lah.. but i worried about the seats.. as in, 7 ppl lehs ( i tink ).. i dun tink dey allow the couple seats to b odd numbered lors. dat means we haf to take other seats... n we cant b confirmed dat definitely will haf 7 seats empty de lor. deathnote leh! surely alot of ppl wanna watch de lors... sigh...
woah. gone crazy today.. first time let go of so many of my secrets... kinda relieved dat i'm so-called secret-free. (: L. Lawliet. lol. love dis name. hahas. but so sad... both L and Raito dying in the Deathnote 2- The last name... gosh... damn sad if L dies... T______T
i'm an L. Lawliet fan. (: